Silly pony! A lucky escape....


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Brought the horses in last night and it was horribly windy, I could barely stand up in it and our yard is like a wind tunnel. Me and the spacehopper are on gate and light duty as sister has to lead 2 horses in together. We shut the gate no problem, and battled up the field, then once in the yard I have to turn the light off that shines down the field.

At this point as I turned back towards the stables, Asti launched herself into canter as if the hounds of hell were behind her, only to swing round as she took up the slack off the lead rope and got to the point I was holding it. As she whooshed round on the concrete, her feet went from under her and she went completely over in a shower of sparks off her shoes!!!

Luckily she rolled more than thudded, and jumped straight up and dragged me towards the others - scaring Ivy to death with the clatter so sister was struggling to hold her. Managed to get them into the stables and whipped Asti's rug off to check her over, nothing more than a frazzled bit of hair on her hock where she's scuffed it, a little 10p sized graze on her fetlock, and a tiny cut bleeding above her hoof.

Madam didn't seem at all bothered, just tucked into her haynet and feed! I think her rug saved her the worst of it.

Checked her over in the daylight this morning and she seems totally fine, no heat or stiffness and she walked down to the field OK. There are big scrapes in the concrete on the yard and a big area of muddy dust off her rug.

A very lucky escape, could have been so much worse... daft pony!


Well-Known Member
7 November 2006
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Thay can be so silly (and scary).

I'm still nervous and upset because our Section A decided she was fed up with being at home in the turnout area and wanted to be back in her field so she barged through the gate and instead of stopping in the yard she just kept going, straight out the end of the drive, turning right across the traffic and then trotting neatly down the road, just as though she was being ridden, all the way to the field. It's about half a mile, with varous junctions and a railway line to cross. We were in hot pursuit but she just wasn't going to stop!

The gate is now kept chained!


Well-Known Member
13 December 2006
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Scary moment! I think that ponies - more than horses - have a knack for getting into scrapes like this... Years and years ago my naughtly little section A was being cold shod by a new farrier while tied up to a ring on the stable front (I was at school, non-horsey mum didin't really understand that she needed to be held rather than tied up...). Anyway, she pulled back and managed to detatch ring plus 6ft plank from the stable and promply galloped off (minus shoes), jumped a 5ft fence and fled two miles down a single track lane - all with plank in tow!!! A spritz of purple spray and she was right as rain.... lucky pony!

Sorry, using your post as a chance to reminisce!!

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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another hijacker..a few years ago my non horsey ex tied the lead rope of the horse being shod to the rack on my Daihatsu fourtrak..well the rack didn't break, nor did the rope, so horse managed to drag the car backwards before giving up. I think we sometimes underestimate their potential!