simple systems, anyone use it?


Well-Known Member
12 July 2006
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Does anyone on here use simple systems?

what are your experiences with it? good or bad?

I have an overweight cob and Im thinking of starting to feed him with the Lucie cobs ( just something to put his supliments in)


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2 January 2006
Just up from that street on the right.....
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I used it with mine last year. It was good, but the shop was too far away for me to get to.
It did help as he REALLY heats up on cereals, and is a very good doer who eats fast and did have a tendancy to get choke.

He would take longer to eat - seemed to concentrate on it more, and was definately a lot more focused when ridden. He wasnt on it long enough though for me to notice any difference in condition or coat etc.

Although if your boy is overweight you could just use chaff and really watered doen suger beet to mix the supps in. Thats what I did last year, and even though my boy was put in a lush paddock (against my instructions!!) I still managed to get 300kg off him over 5 months. He just had the lami chaff, sugar beet that was soaked then drained then rinsed, Codlivine and SNP High Performance multi vit - at a half dose. He kept really great condition and was keen to work.

Hope this helps - sorry to ramble!


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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Can't recommend these feeds highly enough! They are all high fibre feeds and completely cereal and sugar free. Jane Van Lennep is very, very helpful and knowledgeable and if you give her a ring or an email, she will put together a feeding plan for your horse. If you feed these feeds, you shouldn't need any supplements. My 3 year old, who was an orphan foal, is featured in her gallery!


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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I have two native fatties, they have the unmollassed sugar beet with either ruff stuff or lucy stalks in the winter for breakfast and tea. It means they can have a decent sized feed, plenty of fibre and some variety with very few calories. I also have a TB x cob. She has the same but with the adition of lucy nuts - these are higher in protein, as she tends to be a poor doer in the winter and is in moderate work. I also use total eclipse feed balancer - the fatties just have a little in the winter, the TB X has it all year round

The TB used to get very fizzy when fed and was very sensitive and mareish. Since we started using SS nearly 2 years ago they have all been so much happier and healthier , I cannot recomend it highly enough