Simply had enough


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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I have just had it with my two horses. Someone hit me if you think I am being a whining brat.. Lol !!

All was going well with Owen until yesterday when I felt that he was just 'not quite right'.When looking him over, found that his right saccroliliac is in spasm leading to a huge raised area of muscle spasm on one side of his back.
Last year it was found that he had a spavin in his right hock which means that he does not flex that right hock properly and swings it out rather than bending it under, meaning that last year his Saccroliliac muscles were as major a source of pain as his back. After his KS back operation the saccroliliac trouble seemed to have completly dissapeared.
But now it has come back.I suppose that is because he has now started schooling.
So will have to call the physio yet again to come out and put it right.

Forrest is crippled,for what reason I dont know. Thought it was a new splint but lameness seems to be behind. I know I am jumping the gun here but what if he never comes right?He had a history of lameness probs when racing,they never really found out what is was. What is this is the same thing? I cant bear the thought of another horse on 3 months box rest and yet then another 6 week walking program back into fitness again ( (for the upteenth time this year)) for it only to go lame again.I hate to say this but I am wondering if he will ever have a good quality of life at this rate with him having to be kept in the box anyway due to his grass intolerance, but to not be allowed exercise either, time after time, that is just cruelty.But IF he comes right I am so certain he will be a cracker.

There you have it-a right pair of hopeless horses. Just feel like I am banging my head against the brick wall. People are saying to me that I should get rid of both of them- neither are going to event.Even if Owen does come right am not at all sure if he is brave enough(he has always been petrified of scary stuff) Obviously they are not horses I can easily get rid off, so am probably kind of lumbered with them anyway.But maybe Owen would sell easily to someone doing light dressage and hacking, he is stunning and well mannered,and has won Novice dressage with 76%, but it would break my heart to sell him.But My trainer says if I want to get anywhere in eventing I have to learn to be hard about this.

There's a horse that has just come up for sale that I have always admired and thought a lot of.He's tough&brave, he will never be lame sick or sorry. Maybe its because he's up for sale that I am suddenly feeling that I've just had enough of my two horses?! If you know what I mean!!

Dont know what to do really- but my passion is eventing- and these two boys are getting NOWHERE! But I am competly soppy over both of them,Owen especially I have a really special bond with, the thought of moving him on is heartbreaking.

Sorry for such a muddled post- am in three minds ( and in tears!) about what to do....
1) stick it out, they both may eventually come right

2) Have F PTS if lameness proves to be ongoing after 3 months

3) move Owen on now,get another horse, sort F out and see how he gets on


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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Poor you - totally feel for you. You need to get F diagnosed first to be able to make a decision - keep him or PTS. You need to know if it is long term or short term. With O if you have nagging doubts be hard about it. He would be just as happy being a hack/dressage horse than an eventer. If he is not really coping now then he might never cope. His work is only going to get harder. A very tough call.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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Thanks LEC.I think you are right about Owen. Its just that IF he comes right and IF he does become brave then he really is a top horse. Thats why I have battled with him for nearly 4 years now.But sometimes you just have to call it a day.


Well-Known Member
31 July 2005
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Sounds awful and not a nice place to be. Horses are supposed to be fun and we also need to get something out of the relationship. If you think that Owen might have more fun doing dressage than eventing then perhaps it would be the right thing to find him a new home. And don't think that you are lumbered with your 2 horses as Owen sounds perfect for someone who wants to do dressage only and not event, and there are loads of people around like that. And if you love him so will someone else

Get Forrest looked at and find out what is wrong and then you can make a descision about him, maybe he can go to a hacking home?

This other horse like you say could be the push you needed to sort out what you want to do with your 2.

Hard horrible decisions.


Well-Known Member
4 February 2006
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oh I.... I have been to your place today... could see that you are on edge...why didn't u talk to me!!!!
you have so much going for your self... like i said few months ago owen is probably best in someone's else hands perhaps on permant loan (that way they have a horse but still in your name and you have say in his care and take him back if things are better or worse) He's lovely boy but for your sake you gotta do something otherwise it just drags on.
As for forest it's bit of drastic step. Splints is very common especially in young horses, seeing that Buck had dozens of them!!! but as forest's only young his bones probably aren't really fully formed (they say horses don't fully grown until they are about seven!!)
I am no expert in horses but hope this helps... Chin up sweetheart
come over to mine earlier if you want before we go out... U certainly need loads of booze and laughter!!!

Moggy in Manolos

Well-Known Member
8 March 2006
South Glos
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You poor thing, it sounds like you have had a really tought time with your horses.
I dont know what to suggest really but from the sounds of it i would consider selling or loaning out Owen to a dressage/hacking home,as suggested there are plenty out there. It wont be easy, but it does sound like perhaps it would be for the best in the long term. If eventing is where you want to be then perhaps you just have to move on and get another horsey, as much as you love Owen.
Also i would as has been suggested get Forrest looked at and see what the specialists say his prognosis is, and go from there.
I think often your first line of thoughts can be the right and best thing to do,not always,but more often than not i find that my first thoughts turn out to be the best ones, go with your heart too, what do you really think would be best for all concerned.
Well good luck with it all, i hope it all works out well for you,hope my ramblings have helped in some way


Well-Known Member
25 March 2005
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Hey I know how that feels - Clarita had colic 1 week after getting her, after one month was lame, then I had Stella who needed surger, after that was foot sore, then Clarita banged her eye, then Stella got kicked - then I sold them both!!

What is worse - I can not wait to buy a new horse. I even look online to see what is out there. I mean it is only 7 years away, so I better be looking!!

Right now my fav. is -


Wow I went off on a tagent.


Well-Known Member
20 February 2006
norfolk- back of beyond
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gosh what bad luck you seem to be having
last time i spoke to you things were on the up,sorry i didn't
realise things had gone pear shapped again.
you will have to excuse my "rant pm" as its seems you have much much more to rant about than me.LOL

if it was me ??
well will owen's problems cope with a dressage home as you mentioned that schooling may have exagerated his problem?

forest will he cope with a hacking home?? if so i would try to get him right and sell on
sorry not much help
PM me if you want to chat


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
We understand the feeling only too well.
If you really want to event then you are going to have to bite the bullet and get a horse that will do it.
Last week we advertised Monty on event riders after reluctantly concluding he wasn't going to settle for the dressage phase without possibly years of work. There comes a point where you decide after all the money, effort, time and determination you put in the horse you have isn't going to do it for you.
The first people to view him today (an event yard) paid the asking price, loaded him without a vetting (he hasn't a mark on him and they knew they could phone our vet who has only ever given him injections) and tonight we have an empty stable.
We all cried as he drove off, but perhaps with another rider he might settle, goodness knows CCj tried hard enough. Eventually her dressage trainer said she deserved better as he was hindering her progress, and from the point of view of learning, he has taughter her more than twenty horses could. She now knows how to hide her feelings when riding, how to work a fizzy horse and how to persuade a powerful fast one to slow down..
So we are off potential event horse hunting this week, great fun I love it. Two straight over from ireland lined up for Monday and a host of others all over the South West after that if they don't suit..
I can't help thinking about a big friendly chesnut fellow standing in a strange stable tonight, with no-one he knows to talk to him..he has grown up here and whenever he travelled away he always had CCj around to make him feel secure..
Why don't horses realise when they are well off and then they could stay in one home for life....


Well-Known Member
30 November 2004
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Awww hun, you do have such bad luck and it really couldnt happen to a nicer person.

I feel for you with F, you know what I went through with Jazzy, although I daresay mine was far less emotional-rollercoastery as his was one straight off problem that there was a definite prognosis for.
We try to do the best by our horses, give them everything they need and yet something is always ready to throw it right back at us. I think I know what I would do if he were mine but it's easy to sit here and type it, deciding that fate for sure is very, very difficult.

With t'other one, I'd actually go against what some others are suggesting and be inclined to keep him, knowing how far you've bought him and what potential he does have. Maybe you could loan him for a year for dressage or something? I know thats not an easy thing to find a suitable loan home though....


Well-Known Member
15 October 2004
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OMG I really cant believe how bad someones luck can really be. You have some great suggestions form the other guys on the forum however i dont really think i know enough about your horses or your situation to comment. Im sure that whatever decision you make in the end will be the right one. I do wish you the best of luck and believe me.................there really is a light somewhere at the end of the tunnel. xx


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14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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Don't really know what to say, except for sorry about all the bad luck you are having at present. I know from bitter experience that even if you have one horse which is going well, it is easier to put to the back of mind the fact that the rest of yr horsies are all on the sick list.
At one stage, just after we had moved house to have horses at home, we had 2 lame and 1 retired. Really wondered why bother at that stage.
Fingers crossed you can find Owen a wonderful new home, and that you will find out what is wrong with Forrest. I have to agree with you he doesn't seem to have having much of a life at the moment. At least we have been able to turn Flora out all summer to get over her injury.


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14 September 2006
liverpool uk
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i know what you mean and how bad it feels for the last 3 years my horse has had a major set back just when i get her going really well she goes lame again. first when id just got her going to some local shows we came out of the jumping class (in the indoor) and as soon as she touched the grass i knew she wasnt right came home and got vet she'd done her superficial flexor tendon on her near fore so that ment 6 weeks box rest and then walking in hand then 18 months after that she goes lame again another call to the vet who finds shes got bone spavin luckily only very mildley got her going again really well jumpin fab and her schooling was the best its ever been and then it goes lame again only to find shes damaged her deep digital flexor on her near hind just recovering from that now so dunno what shes gonna do next! its horrible especially when every one else is going and competing and generally enjoying their horses and you cant.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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Totally feel for you with these sh*tty decisions that you have to make....everyone elses advice has been spot on but just wanted to empathise - have had to sell two on in the last two years and it sucks when you finally have to say 'enough is enough' because it's such a kick in the teeth but hang in there - & good luck with them both whatever you decide