Sirena's Reading has come back!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2003
Huntingdon, Cambs
OK bit of a mixed bag - but here it is!

"I'm a good girl and very helpful. I go to a lot of places and help mind the holes. These are the ones that come when it rains. We have a big area to ride on and the puddles are there after the rain has gone. I jump over some and curve round some, it depends on the size of them. Not all the places we go to have puddles and holes, it varies, but sometimes we are on a field and they have less holes than the special schooling places.
<span style="color:red"> She is a good girl and she does always try. As for helping to mind the holes - she has always had an aversion to puddles. She has travelled to several places but I cannot place the large area - althouigh it could be the car park at Keysoe - we go there a lot and it does have puddles after the rain </span>

Well it looks like Sirena is very concerned about where she puts her feet. She seems to have very 'pretty' feet and places them very precisely whenever she moves. She loves getting things right, and whereas most horses feel their action comes from their hips and shoulders, to Sirena, this is not as important as her feet. If she could be human, she would definitely take up ballet. :)
<span style="color:red">She does have very nice feet, she also likes to get things right, I would love her shoulders and hips to be freer </span>
"I like being placed and to win is even better, but you can't always be that good. When we have a good day, I get hugged a lot and we get to go home happy. We don't put our rosettes on the window as it messes them up. We put them in the cupboard when we get home ('in the cupboard' looks like 'on the door'). I am better at going left than right. we need to work at this, but I forget and Gill can't do everything. She has a job to find the time with all the studying she has had to do. When she has finished being clever, we will have a lot more time to ourselves. When we go to shows and competitions, we spend the whole day together, this is nice. When we are practising, it is more of a rush to get things done, nevertheless, we do very well.
<span style="color:red"> I like to think she likes to win but who knows! I do pin the rossies on the door. Me being clever and the studying thing is way off - unless I am a mature student and I don't know it! Sometimes she is better going right than left and sometimes it is the other way round - at the moment she is better going right. </span>
I have been learning to do the flatwork competitions longer than Gill. She had a different horse first and didn't do very serious stuff at all. It was a nice horse, but Gill has come a long way since she got me. This doesn't mean that we are all perfect. I learn a lot from the instructor on the course, even if he works us all very hard. It is worth every penny to see the improvements I make." Sirena feels she is just coming good in lateral work, maintaining balance and cadence and that her transitions have improved. With the upward transitions, she jumped into the pace and with the downward transitions, fell into it. She thinks this is getting better and smoother.
<span style="color:red"> This is way off, I have had Sirena from a foal and used to compete on my homebred mare before that but it was unaffiliated, she was a nice horse so partly true, Don't have a clue who the male instructor is as my instructor is female and also confused about the course. Lateral work is coming, her transitions have definately improved, she did jump into the upward and fall into the downward, they are getting smoother - but how concieted is my horse!</span>
Her shoulders feel fairly free, still some room for loosening up completely. Her hind quarters are starting to come well under her and she is getting elevation and a light footfall. She doesn't like jumping much, though she thinks that she is very good at it, preferring big fences to 'delicate' ones, as she calls them; they sometimes fall down.
<span style="color:red">For the first part, this is something we are currently working on improving, she is starting to sit more, but at the moment is lacking elevation and her shoulders need to be freer so not entirely true. The second part is also confusing, she has done very little jumping and appears to enjoy it when we do it - it is small stuff (mum a dressage diva) 2ft max and is always in the school, she has knocked some down but then again what horse hasn't so this bit I am not sure about </span>
When I ask her about other things, she says, "I like to go out for rides, but we haven't got a field here." She seems to like being taken in a trailer to rides, there don't seem to be a lot of horses there, so I assume she is boxed up to ride out and that it is not a 'fun ride' type of event. She shows me two or three horses with her.
<span style="color:red">Interesting one, since moving to this house we have no immediate hacking and we have to box to hack - not two or three horses but one. </span>
I had a little friend, but she left to live in a new field." This looks like a dark bay Shetland or Dartmoor pony. Her friend now, is a pale coloured mare similar to herself. They graze together more than they play. Sirena seems happy to be in human company and to be in a stable. She sees the field as somewhere to pass the time with her friend, rather than the place she is supposed to be. The stable looks like it is inside an American Barn, on the end of a row on the right as you enter. She likes to look out and see what happens around her. There seems to be an indoor schooling area close by and somewhere where carrots are kept. "I had a raspberry in the summer, but there weren't enough for me to have some too." She also had lettuce off someone's sandwich and finds human food 'interesting'.
<span style="color:red"> This is interesting, when she was a foal, her best friend was a shetland - although it was chesnut and it was a gelding, although for a time I had a dark bay NF mare with her. She has two companions in the field, my grey Anglo whom she has always been with, and is very protective of, and my two year old, she does spend a lot of time with the two year old and they graze and groom each other constantly - the two year old is not pale though, she is the same breed but is black (turning grey). My stables are in a barn and she is on the end on the right as you walk in, she can see outside from her stable. The indoor school is about six strides away from the door of the barn, so spot on there. Sirena is as happy in her stable as she is in the field. Have not got a clue about the raspberry or the lettuce! She won't eat carrots. </span>
The fields are fairly big where she lives and roll down away from the stable. The ground seems high overlooking a nearby valley. There seems to be several yard areas or railed paddocks between stables and fields. Somewhere she shows me a grass track between two fields and says that sometimes there is a horse on there, turned out for a short time.
<span style="color:red"> I live on the fens so not a chance of a valley here! Unless you count the ditches! We have six paddocks but one of my bugbears is the lack of a track down the centre so this makes no sense at all! </span>
"My saddle is a big one, now I am doing clever things. My old saddle was smaller at the sides and came up here more." 'Here' is forward on her shoulders and it was also uncomfortable at the cantle, feeling heavier on her back. She prefers the bit she has now to the 'fat' one that she used to have.
<span style="color:red"> Her saddle for the last 3 years has been an extra wide dressage, prior to that she was in either a Med GP or a Med dressage, from the description I presume she is talking about the GP. I have changed her bit to a narrower KK Ultra from a normal french link. </span>
Sirena would like your weight slightly more off her back and on your knees. She wants your lower leg slightly further back. Your left leg also comes slightly in front of the position of the right one as your right hip is slightly lower back. She would like your shoulders relaxed more, so your elbows and hands come into alignment. She would like to do more ridden schooling at walk.
<span style="color:red"> She's right about the hip, my right hip is slightly behind my left - spooky, if I get tense it goes straight to my shoulders! I'll bet she would like to do more at walk! </span>
Her food interests, as we know, include carrots, lettuce and raspberries. She enjoys haylage and chopped dried grass, like Hi-Fi. "I prefer muesli to nuts, although these are better in the machine." The machine is a feed ball.
<span style="color:red"> As I mentioned, she refuses to eat carrots and I have not a clue about the lettuce and raspberries. She does have Timothy haylage but does not always eat it all, if she has hay - she finishes every blade. She does not like Hi-Fi and I am sure she thinks it is cardboard, like the majority of horses she prefers muesli to nuts - which is sad cos she gets no muesli (expanding wasteline!). She does love nuts in her decahedron though! </span>
Sirena is a very undemanding horse and enjoys everything that she does. She obviously has no complaints or suggestions to change her management.
<span style="color:red"> Sirena is a happy little soul and it does take very little to make her happy! So relieved she has no complaints! </span>
Her vision is different in her left eye from her right. She can see further behind with the right eye. She has had a problem with dust affecting her left nostril recently. In the past, there has been a problem in her throat. Her near side elbow had a bang and was aching for some time, this may leave her with some arthritis in the near shoulder when she gets older or the weather gets icy. There is some tension along her back as the muscles are tight.
<span style="color:red">Can't say about the eye and she does not appear to have had a problem with her left nostril recently, never been a problem with her throat (unless of course I am a totally unobservant mummy!) She has never had a injury to her elbow, although she is tight through her back - well she is an andalusian they ALL get tight through their backs! </span>
Her final question is to know when she will learn passage.
<span style="color:red">Oh if only! </span>