Well-Known Member
Last night I had to have my cat pts. He was 14 and had been diagnosed with congenital heart disease 4 years and told he had 6-12 months to live. The meds worked brilliantly and he was completely stable on them for the last 4 years, then a few weeks ago I noticed that he had lost a fair bit of weight but was still acting normal so I thought it was his heart getting a little worse so gave him a bit more of his drugs (he was only on 1/8 of what he was allowed) and got him some nice wet pouches of food and tins of tuna to get him eating more. Then yesterday morning I opened the back door to find him lying in the frosty grass not overly interested in coming in (he likes lying in the uncut grass, but is normally waiting on the doorstep to get in for brekkie if he has been out at night), I called him over and he walked over very slowly and a bit disoriented and came upstairs but wouldn't eat anything. Booked the vet for him that afternoon and they admitted him for IV fluids while waiting for blood test results and said to come back for him at 7.30. they then called just before that to say that the blood test results weren't good, his kidneys were in a very bad way and he had pancreatitis plus some other things that would need more investigations, and that getting him back would be very hard and they weren't sure they could manage it and I should consider pts. I went down there to be with him and he was already so lifeless and had given up so the vet kindly helped him on his way. Can't believe that the night before he was still chasing a tape measure around the floor and now he's gone ?