Slow Gin, Help


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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Pick sloe's in Oct/Nov (they say best to pick after 1st frost)
Then get a litre bottle of gin & drink half of it!
Cut/prick sloes & put in bottle so gin is displaced till near the top.
Then add 150g sugar.
Turn/agitate bottle daily for 1 week.
Then weekly for a month or 2.
Is then ready to drink but best left till following winter. Will be much better by then!


Well-Known Member
22 November 2006
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bottle of gin, quite a bit of sugar, alot of damsons or plums and then leave it in a sealed contaner in a cool area for about 4-6 weeks, stirring it round gently once a week. thats how my mum makes hers


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Pick sloes October and put in freezer for a couple of days - softens the skins.

Put 1 lb of sloes with 1 lb sugar and 1 bottle of gin into a jar. Shake every day for 2 months then leave ideally for a few more months or up to 6 months if you can stand the waiting.

I often leave sloes in the freezer until June and then start to make my christmas sloe gin.

Just finished a glass - good stuff.

Once bottled it lasts ages if you can stand not to drink it all quickly.

Lovely in summer with crushed ice and soda water - bit like pink lemonade until you fall flat on your face.

When you take the gin off the sloes, pour in a bottle of vodka and leave for a few months - a real hunting warmer - glows all the way to your toes.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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8 oz of Sloes (frozen if they were picked before the frost!)
8 oz of Sugar
Cheap gin (the more expensive stuff doesn't make it any nicer)

All in a bottle (we use a thoroughly washed out milk container), stick it by the rayburn, shake it every day for 6 weeks and then decant (de-stone the sloes, mix with stewed apple and sugar and make a pie or a crumble for dessert) once decanted the longer you leave it the smoother it will become!

Good luck, same recipe applies whether raspberry vodka, damson vodka, damson gin, apricot brandy e.t.c.