Small Lumps


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
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One of my horses has come up on lots of small lums on his neck and flanks in the last couple of days, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what it could be, and what I can do about it?

His diet/bedding/routine etc have not been changed. I wondered if they were heat bumps, but doesn't appear to be overheated in his rugs.

He has a hunter clip and has very sensitve skins that rubs easily. The lumps are small (about the size of a 5p piece) and fairly hard, not scabby or oozing at all.

I wondered if it could be insect bites.


Well-Known Member
7 March 2006
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My horse seems to have developed simalar lumps in the last week aswell, his are on his hindquarters either side of his tail. His sound smaller but there are loads and they cover an area about 15 x 15cm on each side. Not oozing or itch, just hard lumps. There is the odd one on his neck also. They are so small you cant really see them, just feel them (well you can see them once you know they are there but hair still lies flat over them)

Im not worried as new grass is coming through and this always seems to trigger the odd reaction in some horses. And his summer coat started coming through about the same time.

Interested to hear replies though.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
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Yes, our grass is starting to sprout, so I guess it could be that, although it's never happened before.

His coat is also changing at the moment.

Auntie Mags

16 June 2006
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Hi, my mare is also covered in lumps and she gets them this time every year. My vet says that it is a dust mite allergy and it is worse this time of year as February - March is their breeding season. Also as she is clipped right out they attack her skin more. He wants me to put her on rubber matting with the minimum amount of bedding. As this happens every year and I have tried everything else I am going to give it a go. An expensive experiment I hope it works or my hubbie will kill us both.