So happy with the little mare!!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2009
Not where I should be!
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Seem to have made a break through with the little hackney mare I've been working wth and I'm so happy I just have to share!

After riding her last monday and spending more time going backwards than fowards I thought I had quite a task on my hands and when I went to work with her on friday I decided I would lunge her. She is amazingly responsive to voice and worked like a dream for me.

Then decided I walk her along the track in hand. This has been a problem for her in the past as she han't liked going anywhere on her own, gets silly, walks backwards and leaps about. Owner is quite happy to admit she has let her get away with it and took her back when she starts in the past because she's worried she will fall in a the ditch.

We got to the end of the track, with her being very silly to start with, then being more interested in the gorgeous grass than the noise the others were making. She would stop, stick her head down to try and eat and then leap forwards before running backwards. I walked her with the lunge whip in one hand so everytime she went backwards I flicked it in her direction and she seemed to get the idea despite it being in a bit of a silly fashion!

Yesterday I was pushed for time so decided I'd walk her inhand again with the lunge whip again and try and go a bit further than the day before. We pretty much jogged up the lane which was fine as she was going in the right direction. She stopped once and reversed but as soon as I told her to walk on she did. We got to the point we had the previos day with just the one stop, got to the point I a was aiming for quite happily, so we continued right up the road for a mile right until we got to the main road without any silliness what so ever. I was so happy with her!

So today the mission is to walk up to the main road without me carrying the lunge whip and get on her half way up there so she does it under saddle


Well-Known Member
13 October 2008
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Well done! Sounds similar to how my colt used to be, but he's only a baby so it was expected. Obviously in hand not ridden as he's only 11 months.

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2009
Not where I should be!
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Bit of a set back today. She has an absess in her tooth and has a little drainage hole for it on her face. When I went ot get her in from the field I did notice she looked a bit swollen and that there was stuff coming out of the whole but owners told me it does that sometimes. When I went to put bridle on she went mad, it was obviously causing her some pain so after a bit of running round the yard backwards and bribery with polos I managed to get her headcollar back on and just walked her up the lane again. Vet is coming tomorrow to drain the absess, hopefully its not got worse and the tooth doesn't need removing.

But the good bit is she was fine walking in hand without the persuasion on the lunge whip so despite the fact I couldn't ride her we still made progress...Even if we did go up the road prancing with her tail in the air to impress the horses going mad in the field up the lane!