So hard to find a sharer who...

cassie summers

Well-Known Member
10 September 2011
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would share my horse who is wonderful to hack but hates the school she is a lovely mare and i would like to show her next year in maxi cob i only backed her in april/may even though she is 8 years old very quick to learn but the problem with school is getting me down she jsut plants herself and really doesnt want to do much yet out hacking she has lovely fluid paces light mouth and moves very well so i was hoping to find a sharer who likes a challenge i dont want any money and tbh i would happily pay them as i do work long hours and really dont have asmuch time as i would like to give her on the schooling i can school her out on the common on the grass she is ggreat but in the school its a big fat no


Well-Known Member
25 May 2010
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have you tried lunging her in there? Is she just unsure with a rider on or in the school in general. What is she like if someone leads you? How big is she, and what size is the school as this can affect how she feels.

No idea where you are in Surrey but have you tried advertising in Rokers or even popping up to Merrist Wood and see if you can steal a student!


Well-Known Member
1 January 2012
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What about enticing her with treats? Like put a lunge and headcollar on her and take her into the school and then take off the lunge and walk away from her and entice her to come to you with things she likes? Or you could possibly try join up in the school or join up in a field if you can then try and get her to follow you in the school. Tricktraining could also work? Or I've even heard of backing her up? Such as if you go into the school and she plants herself, then you back her up or try and get some sort of reaction from her? In fact how about a carrot on a stick in front of her ;). I honestly don't know how to help you apart from that. Could she have perhaps had bad experiences in a school in her past?