So, he’s here, he’s amazing, he’s got a few unwanted friends...


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3 April 2008
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Little Ginger kitten arrived, he’s gorgeous and so much fun, I can’t believe we have never had kittens before.
Completely nuts. He plays for hours then crashes out (usually if possible on my shoulder!)
He’s coped well with dog introductions, they have been put in their places, my crazy little lab appears besotted with him and unlike the other two has no idea that a hiss and spit was unfriendly... he apparently thinks everyone’s as friendly as him 😂 that’s been a good thing though as neither back down or run so they very quickly realised they were ok together.
He’s litter trained within reason. Our house is big so he sometimes gets s little lost but wanders yowling so we have had few accidents to be fair. I think I need another tray to make it easier for him.
The only issue is he’s pretty damn itchy. I can’t see any fleas but I can see what I think is flea dirt and he appears to be too young for the conventional treatments. Google tells me to bath him in warm water and dish soap (!!) is that correct?!
Photos can be added tomorrow as my laptop is needed.
...... he’s currently swatting the screen of my phone as I type 😂😂


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25 July 2017
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I hope you have remembered that if we don't get pictures then there will be a reckoning...

So glad to hear he's settling into your family well! I actually can't think of anything better than kittens. Re the itching, I haven't heard about washing a kit with soap and water - I would definitely ask my vet for guidance. My (adult) cat is itchy and scabby on her chest, chin, the bit between her eye and ear, and a bit on her back at the moment although I think it's getting better. She was like it same time last year and I took her to the vet - vet said she had a skin infection and gave her antibiotics. I assumed it was flea allergy dermatitis (despite me fleaing her properly) but she didn't think so. Now I'm wondering if it's harvest mites, although I can't see any actual mites. The bit between her eyes and ears is currently really dry and flaky but at least it's stopped scabbing.

Seriously though, where are the pictures? If you don't post them soon I will keep referring to him as Wotsit. Not to mention the reckoning.


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28 March 2013
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yes, pictures! For fleas you need to ask your vet for a flea spray to rub over him at this age. Best do it quickly before you have an infestation on the others and the house! Yes, another litter tray may also be useful until he's big enough to hold it long enough to find his way back, remember having to keep one downstairs until he was old enough to make his way down to the litter tray in time, although from experience they often go through a phase of pooing behind the sofa - that just gets grown out of though.
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24 October 2014
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Need some photo's P !!!
You can buy flea products for kittens over 8 weeks now. Advantage is one , Texas is right , deal with them quickly and spray any bed he is using too.I would not be doing the kitten soaking option , he will hate it and hold you responsible!!. Keep your bedroom doors closed for a bit as kittens will pee on beds and yes to another dirt box too. Good luck and have lots of fun. xxx


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3 April 2008
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I spoke to the vet today, I wanted to book his jabs but they do a really good offer at the pets at home vets at the moment which is £45 for the full course of injections, a microchip, some food and vouchers, a months insurance and 3 months flea and worm treatment! Bargain. So he's all booked in for tomorrow morning. They will sort the flea's (if he has them)in the safest way.


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3 April 2008
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Ooooooh lovely !!
'She' did end up being a he then :D have you thought of a name yet P ? xx

Ah, no he’s a little boy, called Arlo. Named by my daughter.
She’s had a really rough rocky time the past spring/summer and Arlo was licking her fingers on the way home, I think it’s the first genuine smile I’ve seen from her in a long long time. (She didn’t want a kitten!!) she’s totally smitten ;)


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28 March 2013
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He's gorgeous! The Pets at Home deal sounds good, hope he's sorted soon. It might be weight based rather than age based for rubbing rather than drops, I can't remember but my kitten was tiny and I'm sure PaH will advise well :)


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3 April 2008
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😡 So Arlo and I have just got back from his first vet trip.
He’s been treated for fleas and I’ve got wormer treatment for him. He couldn’t have his injection because at her estimate going on size and weight etc he’s now only 6 wks which means last weekend he was 5 weeks.
Poor baby, why do people do this?
She doesn’t think there should be any real problems as he eats well and is definitely growing but I feel so bad now.
I will get photographing ;)
On the plus he even appears to have won the grumpy old collie over


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3 April 2008
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He's gorgeous! The Pets at Home deal sounds good, hope he's sorted soon. It might be weight based rather than age based for rubbing rather than drops, I can't remember but my kitten was tiny and I'm sure PaH will advise well :)

I’d highly recommend them actually. I think it’s a separate business from pets at home but might be wrong.
Lovey clean modern premises, very friendly reception staff and vets.
So I have paid the £45 which will cover his visit today where he was de-flea’d and I have a 3 day course of wormer, we will visit again next week or maybe 10 days to check his weight and re do the flea stuff. Then he will go back again for his jabs and chip when he’s 9 weeks. I totally expected to pay extra for today.
I’d almost change my dogs over but the thought of taking them through pets at home isn’t the best ;)
Our little local vet is easier for them.


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25 July 2017
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The Vets4Pets by me are brilliant. They have a dedicated cat care team and accomodation (gold certified veterinary centre for cats or something like that) and the head vet is so lovely. Plus 10 percent off for NHS and armed forces.

Don't worry too much about his age, he's with you now and you are obviously doting on him and he has shoehorned his way into your family easily enough by the sound of it! But yes, there's something wrong with some people.

PS: can I politely request more photos of his little baked beans!


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25 July 2017
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Oh look how sleepy he looks! It looks like he wants to stay awake so he doesn't miss anything exciting but his little eyes are closing anyway. Adorable Arlo.


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3 April 2008
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I just had no idea he was too small. I’m so annoyed at myself as I’ve just lined the pocket and encouraged some dodgy idiot who’s cats are probably just his beer money machines.
Still I do absolutely love this little chap to bits.
He’s been so so sleepy, I’ve wasted a whole afternoon with him! (I’m on holiday, it’s raining. I’m allowed!!) he also now seems itchier? He’s very purry though so I think he’s ok. I did get a bit worried at one point.