So proud of my clipper phobic horse - clipper lesson one


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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OMG I'm so amazed and proud of Patches today. In case you didn't know, Patches is utterly clipper phobic and requires sedation as she generally rears when I approach her with a set of clippers, switched off!

However, armed with the "knowledge" from the DVD "Think Equus, Approach to clipping", I decided to give Patches a 10 minutes clipper "lesson" today. Firstly I had them in my hand switched off and she actually let me stroke her with them, on her body and her face. That was an improvement on last year already!

Took her into field on a lunge line. Biggest problem I had was to get her to stand still whilst I walked to the end of the line. Bless her, she kept following me!

So, we got over that problem and I stood about 15 feet from her and switched them on. She stood there, ears pricked and snorting but didn't make an attempt to run. Switched them off and approached her to praise her with a head rub. She was fine with that, even though I was holding them.

Progressed over 10 minutes or so to me walking closer with them on. Every time she ran (as if being lunged at a slow trot) I left them on and moved with her so the distance between us never increased. When she decided to stop running and stand still, I switched them off after a couple of seconds.

Kept on at this and was quite suprised how quickly she let me get to within arms length so I thought "go for it". I rubbed them all over her body (she did have a rug on though but would've felt the vibration as I pressed hard) She snorted a bit and was a bit twitchy but let me do it. I then proceeded to rub up her neck and pulled her neck rug back so it was actually touching her. She was fine. Ears back, but fine. So I took the bull by the horn and actually turned them over so the blades cut into her coat! She stood there!

I am utterly astounded! Not bad for a first lesson, no sedation and no cotton wool in her ears.

Here's a few pics Duncan took. Please excuse my attire, I had just been laying some new turf in the chook pen.

As I started my closer approach to her:

Closer still:

Contact, clippers on:

Ooooo mum, I don't think I like this, but I'm trying so hard to be good:

Just before I decided to actually take some hair off:

Now don't get me wrong, these are just an old set of cheapie hairdressing clippers that I didn't care if they got broken. Being rechargeable it gave me the option to try her anywhere. Idea being in the field she will run, whereas in a stable she'll stand and fight. She didn't rear once.

My battery clipper/trimmers are due tomorrow and if she is ok with them I think I'm going to sell my Liveryman Arena's and buy some equally powerful battery clippers.

Well done if you got this far!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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We have a long way to go of course, but this initial step has given me a bit more confidence that, one day I may actually be able to achieve clipping Patches without the need for a vet to sedate her.

Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Oh well done the pair of you!! I am very impressed!!

You know what Clare, you and that horse have something very special going on! You have both overcome some pretty big issues and you've both come through shining and built up a remarkable relationship. Very, very well done on succeeding in overcoming yet another gliche.


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12 February 2005
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Oh Tia! Don't! You've made me all lump in throat and teary!

I am so very proud of her. First the feet issue, then the treating any injuries or mud fever and she even leads now right next to my shoulder without pulling me to grass etc.

It has been a roller coaster year and a bit, but by God I do look on her as a special little horse now. She has given me so much, really she has, and I will always be indebted to her. I can't thank Lucy enough for pairing us up together.

She may not be an equine star, but the joy she's brought to my life is immeasurable.

One phrase, when it comes to solving any issue with Patches, that springs to mind is "patience is a virtue"!

We have a long way to go yet, by no means have I got her to a stage where I believe she will stand and be clipped all over. However, I am amazed at the trust she clearly has in me from this time last year. No way would I have gotten to this stage last year.


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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Love her expression! "I am watching you very carefully, and you are on a warning ....but I will cope with this as you have asked nicely". I hope to emulate you soon (my mare doesn't object as much as Patches but needs twitch and/or Sedalin). I have my battery clippers on order (and they send the Michael Pearce DVD too) so I am hoping that we can agree to some clipping next week!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Thanks Lou, and everyone else.

It's only a small step to a huge hurdle, but she seems to have taken that step quite happily.

Can't recommend the dually halter enough. First "money spinning idea" item I've ever bought that is actually worth the money! Fabulous. No longer barges when leading, loading, in the stable, ANYTHING. I'm not a tree hugger, by any sense of the definition, but I do think I'm getting a bit partial to touching the bark!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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I'm not a tree hugger, by any sense of the definition, but I do think I'm getting a bit partial to touching the bark!

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too! A bit of bark-touching can be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Good luck Hornby.

DVD is fabulous and definitely makes common sense. I'm so glad I was sent it to watch. It's certainly made me tackle the problem in a more sympathetic approach.

This time last year Patches would rear on a tube of sedalin and a twitch at the sight of the clippers ... in their box! She was not going to let me anywhere near her.

This is why I am so amazed that today went as "easy" and rear free as it did. She certainly was tolerating it only because I believe that I was able to show her that standing still and being calm got the reward she wanted....clippers going off! Messing about did not have the desired effect...which it would have done last year. Horse rears and you immediately think "eek...turn them off" BIG MISTAKE. Only serves to reward them for acting up.

I think I owe GTs an apology. I got in a heated argument with him last year and challenged him to come and clip her without sedation. I think in hindsight he was correct....any horse "can" accept the clippers given the opportunity and sympathy to accept them.


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12 February 2005
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Just noticed the first picture's link isn't working and I can't edit it. So here it is. Can definitely see an "oh lordy...what is that I see in your hand" look on her face.



Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Oh Pat

I know, we're awful aren't we? Harley's working most weekends at the moment. Maybe I'll have to come one day on my own if we can't orchestrate a joint visit.

Might save her bank balance...she was awestruck with the pics of Dotty (poor Joey!)


Well-Known Member
12 June 2005
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Well done! Have faith you can do it! I witnessed my friends clipper phobic horse being clipped with my avalons last week, without any sedation of any sort, no twitch nothing. A Mel Richards did it and although a slightly different approach to you ,she had the horse on a long rope but kept a contact between him and her at all times (he was allowed to move around her but she kept her hand on him). It was truly amazing, this horse would rear and strike out if he so much as heard clippers before. She actually managed to do a trace clip on him.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2005
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Oh Clare, that is wonderful news!! I agree whole heartedly with Tia on this one!! You 2 have become a real team, a partnership! She's a lucky horse!!