So..two problems for you lot!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Ok, problem 1: My pony, 12yrs, had him for 7yrs. Spoiled him as a youngster( three novice child riders, one after another, plus used in lessons, plus overjumped plus I'm ashamed to say, not always good at not blaming the pony. WE then all moved onto other horses, but he is still with us. Tried to sell him, went on 3 month trial, broke mothers fingers, chucked wee girl off, still bought him then 2 weeks later said they couldn't handle him (WTF?!) so we bought him back. Nappy, bucks, nearly had me off the other day.
I am hoping ot get him round a 2"9 event. He does an average dressage in 2"3, i.e head in the air, strong but not too bad. He wil SJ clear so far round 75, haven't tried him over anything bigger since I stopped competing him as my 'primary' pony (by whihc stage he wouldn't go round anything,bucked napped and refused!) He SJ clear 2"3, and has had only one stop XC in the past 5 events, purely because I hadn't him fit enough. He has also been placed 4th/5th in every recent event.
So, how do I move him up to 2"9, anybody reckon its worth doing or should I leave him at 2"3?
Also, he naps badly up one hill on a hack, spooking pigs at the top, any suggestions?

Number 2:
Sisters pony. Used to be good, occasional stop nothing bad. pre-novice eventing etc. Now need spurs to make him do anything. Eliminated several times at 1m SJ, then moved down to intro eventing and reasonably succesful, pony looking happier over jumping. For a while eliminate over even 80cm courses.
Moved up to pre-nov again last week and did't want to know. Rubbish dressage (from a good test normally) and eliminated SJ. Ground very sticky, slid into first fence, eliminated at uphill fence at 3. I think he's sick of it all, and needs turned away/hacked out as he is essentially not a bad pony, just looks bored. Problem is, we need to sell him, as she has a horse that needs he full attention before she loses it on her. Any ideas? Turn him away? GEt someone else to ride?

Sorry so long, just need ideas!


Well-Known Member
26 April 2005
It sort of sounds to be as though both ponies are heartily sick of jumping (or have some sort of physical problems). If you are competing him when he was not fit enough, that may be a reason. You said yourself that pony 1 had been overjumped etc when he was younger and I think that he is too used now to getting away with things. It needs to be made more fun for him to want to co-operate again.

I would say that trying to get pony 1 over 2'9 is not a great idea at the moment - I would get his confidence back over the smaller courses (and only jumping as a treat as he has been jumping for long enough now and certainly does not need to practice every day to get over this height).

Pony no. 2 sounds like he does not want to jump the bigger fences (and from the sound of the change in dressage way of going looks like his rider was nervous as well which would not help). Go back to the smaller courses and be happy that the horse will go round those happily.

Check both ponies are physically OK and you are getting the fit enough for the work and they are being fed correctly, then let the ponies have some fun. Pairs hunter trials etc may get them enjoying it a bit more - hunting as well?


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I couldn't agree more with the above suggestions but I would also add, why not give them a well deserved holiday too and let them chill out for a month or two? No hassle, no riding; let them be completely natural. You might be surprised how much brighter they should be after that.
It just sounds to me that they both need the pressure taking off them for a while, they've just got thoroughly fed up with always having to jump.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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ok, completely agree with what everyone says re: pony 2, its just making the decision of whether to turn him away for a month (which we would struggle to with our turnout/grazing) or hack him out? Would hunting be alright for a jumpsick pony?

re: pony 1, may not have explained well enough, his 'bad' treatment was 6/7 yrs ago. 3 yrs ago I got a 'good' pony, and since then D has been a much happier pony. I reckon he can't cope with the pressure at competitions, i.e. if I'm nervous so is he?
He had a break at that stage of around 1mnth, then came into Very light work, hacking etc. and did a few 2"3's at the end of last year, very succesfully, finishing 3rd in a 30 strong class. His stop last week was only because he wasn't fit enough, and I blame only myself!
He has just come in from another 6month break (I put him out as I had a horse and pony in work) and is happy to jump etc, but his flatwork is atrocious. My main concern is, he is completely content at 2"3 and basically I wonder if 2"9 will ever be in his comfort zone? I would like to do it, sort of to prove the doubters wrong. He has a home for life and I love him dearly so its not essential, but it would be nice to be able to compete at 85cm. In some respects, he is trying to get me off because he could get the wee girl who bought him off, but has since settled down. Hunting.....hmmm...not sure with him, he has jumped 1.30m in a puisance comp. w/ me before but I was smaller and lighter! Now I don't really jump him at home much, he only gets ridden at weekends + 1/2 during the week at most so is content.
What about his head carriage? Is it too late to change? There are occasional (as our judge said in last dressage test! 'glimpses' of coming round, but holding it is hard!
Technically I am too big for him, but what else can I do with a pony that is too naughty for a novice and can't compete at a high enough level for a competent rider?! Such a pity no-one wants 14.2hh games ponies!

I'm glad people agree with me re: pony 2, and would you agree that we shouldn't worry about selling at the moment, as he's unlikely to get the best home?