so you know you have made the right decision, but still??


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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I bought a lovely youngster last November with the intention of bringing him on slowly and having some fun, it quickly transpired that he was going to be way too much pony for me and completely wasted, so I have held my hands up and admitted that I am just not experienced enough to work through any issues and sadly the pony knew that he had total control over me, as much as I tried to put him back in line he quite happily fought back! he has been turned away for the winter and fed up so has become a stunning young man, so I have now sold him onto a lovely home, Lady totally understands him and I am really excited to see what he becomes. Cannot help feeling I have failed him and myself and am left feeling really low, its really knocked my confidence, I have purchased a lovely Dales X, who is 12 and ready to go, been out and seen the world and is just what I need, if somehow this goes pear shaped I am going to give up and just have a field full of mini's! just need to get chanting, firm but kind, firm but kind! I am determined to do everything right with this one and make sure I have the full support of as many people as I can. I do miss the youngster so so much, for all his bargy stroppiness he was the one that always came cantering to the gate to see me neighing his head off. no reason for the post really, just wanted to offload :(


Well-Known Member
1 January 2013
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:)I don't think you've failed either yourself or your youngster. You've discovered your limitations - we all have these - and rather than persevering and making matters worse you've found what seems an ideal home for him, and got a horse that should suit you better. It's not failure, it's realism - if there was more of it about there would be fewer spoiled, unhappy horses! :)


Well-Known Member
9 February 2009
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I would say that you would have been a failure if you had carried on, it takes a good horse person and to realize their limitations, take stock and let go, which is exactly what you have done.

You see so many people persevering with unsuitable horses (i am guilty of this) and getting no pleasure, the horse does not get the right attention it needs and it becomes a vicious circle.

Have fun with your Dales x, sounds like he is just what you need. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2006
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Failed him how?

Struggling on in the situation you were in would have been the fail. It sounds like you did exactly the right thing by realising your limitations, selling him to a more suitable home and getting yourself something more suitable. I bet the horse would thank you for it.

Quite honestly I never know why so many people struggle on with unsuitable animals making their own and the horse's life, frankly, a misery. For what? To prove some kind of point, to themselves or other people? There are no medals for persisting in a situation which is unsuitable, I think more people should do what you have done, and go let the horse have a happy life with someone else and find your own enjoyment in a less complicated horse. Enjoy your new horse OP :)


Well-Known Member
1 August 2010
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I agree with the others Katymay - far, far better for both of you to move on and find a partnership that suits you. You have a long way to go before you catch up with me for buying unsuitable horses and having to move them on (usually at a huge loss) but the main thing is to find them a great home and find your new partner. It can be tough on the confidence to start with but if you can, have some lessons with a nice instructor to start with and that will build it back much more quickly IME. Good luck with your new boy :)