Someone looking at horsey.............


Well-Known Member
1 May 2005
East Sussex
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Got someone coming to look already!!!!

Only put the ad in yesterday. Spent about 30 mins talking to the person on the phone yesterday but just wondered if there was anything i should be asking perspective buyers or anything i can do with them when they arrive.
Think I have decided to leave him out and go and catch him with her then i'll ride him and pop him over a jump then let her have a go. Does this sound ok. Any advice much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
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I don't see why you can't ask, type of place he will be kept at eg. private yard, livery or riding school, how long they have been riding, what they would like to do with the horse. If he will by himself or with others. questions so you can see if they horse will be ok with them basically.

As long as your horse is good to catch and lead etc I think your plan is great.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Ask whatever you want. On the phone, I ask straight away who the horse would be for (ie. sometimes you THINK its the person you're talking to, until they turn up with their 10 year old daughter......) and exactly WHAT they want to do with it. I also ask their level of riding and what they have done so far (some people say "oh Im really experienced" but then turn out to have never jumped etc. which is part of what they want to do with new horse). I advise them straight away if I feel my horse is suitable, if not then I say so because I dont want to waste my and their time. I also ask where the horse will be kept (private / livery) and how (I turned down one person who was perfect but she stables the horses a LOT and since mine are very rarely stabled, it would have been unfair on my horse).

Showing them the horse - Just try to imagine how you'd like to see a horse or just ask them! I usually ask them if they want to see the horse being brought in from the field, groomed etc. or if they want him in and all groomed already (some are seeing a few horses in a day so dont have too much time).