Something to make you chuckle...


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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So, this morning I decide I'm off to have a lesson with YO on my boy (heavyweight 15.1 cob), get to yard, head up to the field, catch beastie and walk over to the gate. There I am standing almost knee deep in a very large collection of very deep, muddy puddles. STUPID horse sticks his nose on the electric wire of the fence right where the mains is attached to the wire. I hear an almighty CRACK as horse leaps into the air, all four hooves off the ground. At this time I have one hand on horse's neck and the other on the metal gate I'm attempting to open. Almightly CRACK goes through me like a bolt of lightening! Then, of course, what goes up must come down and 600kgs of horse lands on all four hooves in the mud with a tremendous SPLOSH! Well, there I am, water, lumps of sodden mud etc all up my back, into my NEW hairdo, even up my nose. Completely drenched. At this point the only thing dry on me below my bra is my socks because they're in the most amazing wellies ever (love those wellies and wish 'd bought a body stocking made out of them). I then swear violently at horse who decides he's really in trouble now and SPLOSHES around some more. When I've calmed down enough to stop shouting at the silly b****r he stops throwing himself around and I start to lead him through the now open gate. He of course then decides he doesn't want to get anywhere near the dangerous beast that bit him (the fence) and so insists on barging through me to get out!

Not yet completely giving up on the day we get down to the yard and I tack up, putting a nice waterproof cover on my saddle to protect it (of course I have this at the yard but not a change of clothes) and mount up in my squelchy knickers etc. Spend a few mins warming up in walk, pop him up into trot for YO to say "he doesn't look quite right" in agreement I hop off and take him back to his stable.

I guess if I'd been psychadelic I'd have known not to bother getting him out of the field this morning and saved myself a lot of bother!!

I hasten to add that in "revenge" I used one of his stable rugs on the seat of my car to get home. Oh well, he's outgrown it anyway!

So if you think you had a bad morning, compare it with mine lol!

Anyone want a well used Piebald cob who now knows a few very interesting swear words that a gentleman should never know??!!! ;-D


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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Just love the "if I'd been psychadelic" quote! Not sure if it was intentional or a predictive text accident butit made me laugh. Will use that in future!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2007
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Sort of been there done that BUT with a twist. I managed to get the gate hook hooked into the corner of my pocket and every time I tried to reach for it another pulse would zap me and horsie. It must have looked like some tribal dance we were doing! But we didn't have mud to add to the shock. Thank heavens lol.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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My YO was struggling to hide a smile when I showed her my soaking, probably because I wasn't amused! Am very glad however that nobody did film it!


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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Oh the joys :D We had a welsh cobx Tb who decided that she could jump a big puddle in the gate way, but that she could do it in two goes! Sploshy ice :eeK: Mind you the same horse ended up with then OH walking on water :eek: We used to have to walk the horses in along a path which ran alongside a mill dam, fortunately the day he ended up off the path the water was frozen :D We also had an elderly clydie who always wanted to keep at least one foot dry by standing on ours.:D :D


Well-Known Member
7 June 2009
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Oh i had this also with my cob putting out in the field knee deep in mud another horse comes near me cob decideds to chase him of yanking me out of my wellies so their i was in socks knee high in mud and my wellies all on their own still stuck in mud. I must say the air was blue.