Sorry, a bit of a pointless post but...


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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I finally took Hannah in the school again tonight and she was potty!

The vet said her haematoma needs some exercise. So, as it was raining and I had gone to the yard straight from work without a coat (it was sunny in the morning, honest!) I decided to take her for a short schooling session.

Finally after fifteen minutes she was listening again and after a few shies and silly moments, she started working quite well. She seemed to really enjoy herself so I think I am going to keep taking her in the school every so often just for 15 minutes... she was four months in foal yesterday, but as long as she is willing I will just potter about on her.

Fingers crossed we have no more lameness or lumps emerge for a while!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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really pleased that shes ok to ride again now even if she is a bit potty! These things are sent to test us. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
raining? was just about to set off up the field for Chantin when the heavens opened. Absolutely banged it down for a good 20 or so minutes. Got in the car and gave up on the idea as i hadnt taken a jacket either!!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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Assuming that she is sound again, so really glad about that even if she is a bit manic. Hopefully getting ridden again will give her something to think about.

Had lesson tonight in an indoor, which was great because it was pouring outside. You are v lucky to have one on site.



Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Oh, it wasn't an indoor school, although I wish it was!

She seems sound, and the Quadrisol is now out of her system so there should be nothing masking it now. I am quite glad the vet came out to see her lump because I keep looking for lameness (I think you sometimes see things that are not there when you look too hard) and she said there was no lameness at all on any of her legs so that suggests whatever it was in her back leg is now no more!

It is such a relief to have a sound horse again... we have been having a very strange couple of weeks. My horse has never really been lame before, and within four weeks she has had two separate problems!