Sorry a "How Much" question!


15 March 2004
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Sorry to do a how much post.. BUT

I have been to look at a 3 year old TB colt. He has been raced twice but was not very fast hence they are selling him... I know where he has been broken in ect so know that hes not been hammered.. but im a little unsure of how much I should offer...
He is aprox 15"1 and chestnut - no special markings or anything.

Any advice much appriciated! thanks


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
I would worry that there was something wrong with him. If he has only raced twice up until 3 that would indicate so. Also the fact that he is still a colt would indicate that he had some ability (otherwise they would have been off before now), so it wasnt that keeping him off the track.
At Tatts he would make £500, so offer £300 and see what they say.


15 March 2004
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Thanks they want £1800 for him.
The trainers are selling him for the owners - the owners owe the trainers about £1k hence they want more.

I thought he was a bit expensive given that he would have be totally reschooled and start from scratch, plus the cost of gelding.

I think I could get them down to about £1500 but even then thats quite a lot isnt it!


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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He is too dear really isn't he? It's such a shame they won't budge. Wonder how much livery at a racing stables costs weekly? Might be a bargaining tool as they'll never get that much for him on the open market at all.

Maybe walk in with a low offer, leave your number and see if they call you in a few weeks. You're no rush to buy anyway.


15 March 2004
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IF i bought him ide definatly have a full vetting.. but i did ask why he was still entire - they didnt really have an answer...

They have said oOOoh they have lots of people coming to look at him - im in no rush to buy so maybe Ill just go and be cheeky and offer £300 like you say... Worst they can say is No isnt it!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
What area is he stabled in? If out of one of the training centres he is mounting up costs of at least £150 per week. If Newmarket/Lambourn/etc you can double that. An entry fee for the sales would have cost them £200 ish. If you want to give me his name (pm if you prefer), I can look up if he has been to/entered in the sales for you.


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2 February 2006
Leinster, Ireland
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I think £1800 is a bit cheeky! They are literally giving them away over here. If you are set on an ex racer, I would get in contact with a reputable trainer and ask him to keep an eye out for a suitable horse coming out if training. Something with good stable manners, well broken and you know the history of - i.e. injuries. I personally would go for a national hunt horse as they have jumped and have better bone. Flat racers/hurdlers can make great horses but they need a lot of work and are finer boned and just a bit more delicate as a rule. Seriously at that height as well, he is very small. I know of 2 separate people that are giving away horses like that. One of then is unbroken and never raced cos he is only 15. 1 and never made the height they wanted and the other raced a bit but was too slow and like your horse was entire so was given away cos he was a nightmare in the field other horses. Even after he was gelded he was still too colty and would take chunks out of some of the mares. He was given away as the owner knew that if he went to the wrong home at a sales, he would end up going for meat.

Good luck but I think its a lot of money for what he is!


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17 August 2005
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The Thurlow Hunt Kennels shoot loads every year that fit that description. Sorry, but they are worth nothing really, poor things.


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7 August 2006
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hmmmmmmmm...... OK, I admit i am slightly biased but I paid £1700 for a 3yo exracer who had just been gelded, in hindsight I could have got one for a lot less, however I was happy to pay it as I knew he was viceless, 100% in traffic etc and had only raced 3 times as a 3 yo so hadnt been raced much to get into racehorse mode so to speak. He didnt race as a 2 yo as he was considered to small and immature and I believe he is all the better for it as he has no leg or back issues from it. He passed a 5 stage vetting with flying colours. I have been offered 4k for him now less than a year on.

What I am trying to say is that it may be a lot of money for an exracer but he may be that for a reason - just because its raced doesnt mean its worth nothing but meat money - if he is sound, sane , easy to handle, well put together and with a good attitude then why shouldnt he be worth a bit more? If he were a homebred TB youngster, bred to event for example, then he would be worth what they are asking.

At the end of the day he is worth what someone will pay for him and people out there will pay good money for good exracers....

I have a lovely 3 year old exracer coming this week for me to play with and she is certainly worth more than £500!!!

good luck whatever you do....


15 March 2004
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SO basically they are more than likely not to get what they want for him eh!
Yes I always thought they went very cheep as they are not eveyone cup of tea either...


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
Leinster, Ireland
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Totally agree with you scarlett that horses are worth what people are prepared to pay.
i think there is a bit difference in price as well if you were selling your fella, coming from somewhere where he has settled for a year and done some other stuff than a racing yard selling a horse straight out of training. Maybe you can call it a mental block people have when it comes to buying direct from the yards - there is a much higher chace of you getting a complete nutter, no mouth, hardly broken with tendons that have been reduced to cobwebs!

i love exracers and yes its down to the individual. like you say, what you pay is what he is worth. You can pay less though and end up with just as good a horse.

Horsenpony why don't you have a look at the ROR website and you might see a retrainer in your area. the might be able to advice you. Be ware though, i went to one of them and they wanted 1500 for a nut case that weaved so badly he couldn't be stabled and had a welt on his chest from weaving at the stable door. he was so bad that he would even weave in a large shed they kept in him. Poor fella - was totally traumatised. Also get an idea of what retraining they have done with him. Some racing yards never ride with long stirrups so they have never been mounted from the ground or never felt leg aids. Depending on how the yard trains, they can be a hell of a lot of work. you are essentially re breaking them on top of breaking all the bad habits they have.

Maybe they will sell him but just remember, there are plenty more out there like him!

Lots of rewards though as well. good luck!


Well-Known Member
12 June 2006
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As he's not yet gelded I wouldn't give much for him as it will cost you a few hundred to get him cut, plus the hassle and nursing time. I'd say about £1K at the most

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow - a few hundred to get gelded - thats well expensive!! £150-200 where I live,
That aside - I'd probably pay around £750-850 for a horse like this.


15 March 2004
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Will have a look on the ROR website thanks!

I agree I think he is expensive as Im aware that he would need to be totally restarted - the way i think of him is backed not really broken to ride.

I would imagine he has only been mounted from a leg up as they tend to do that with all their horses - and I doubt he has been ridden with long stirups.

They have said I can go and ride him this weekend if I want to...

Im not in any rush to buy I already have 2 horses at home so no rush to start feeding another! lol Just thought if he was sound and I could get him for a good price he may turn out to be a nice little horse.