Sorry... a how much question


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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I'm just curious really but if anyone can bear it I'd love some opinions on what my mare is worth.

She is 15.2, 11yrs, TBxWelsh.

She is excellent to shoe/box/clip/traffic etc.

Showjumping: She's qualified for Cricklands at 3' and would go higher. Has double clears at BSJA junior foxhunter in the past but I haven't got any proof of this. Unaffiliated SJ however, won and placed up to 3' too numerous to count.

XC - has hunted but not with me. Took her to the Stockland Lovel fun ride and she jumped everything I put her at incl fences up to 3'3 ish without hesitaion.

She is fast and strong to ride and difficult on the flat (head in the air, zooming off at 90mph). Could do a decent dressage test but only if she felt like it! Hacking, she is excellent but again fast and strong. Not a novice ride at all but would def suit ambitios youngster to BSJA. She is ridden in a snaffle though for all but XC.

Not the easiest to handle, can be a bit bargy and pushy but never kicks etc and will move out of your space. Easy to keep, lives in or out, good doer.

What do you think? I'm half toying with the idea of taking her to Winter League in April, doing some eventing with her over the summer, maybe some riding club team showjumping/ODE etc then maybe selling her in the autumn. I'm just not 100% convinced I'll ever get her dressage up to scratch to do a decent Novice/PreNovice test.


Well-Known Member
7 June 2006
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She is amazing jumping. Everyone that sits on her wants to jump higher than they ever have before within about 1/2hr. She sorted out my jumping, I'll jump stuff on her I wouldn't even look at on another horse.

I think she would make a fab RC horse if she would just stop being so bloody minded about flat work LOL