Sorry - Another Clipping post


Well-Known Member
5 September 2005
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I've just been given a set of clippers - the Liveryman Harmony. I've spent this week trying to get my horse used to them and so far everything is going well.

Until tonight when I brought them home to recharge in readiness for clipping tomorrow. I now have a few questions:

1. How do I oil them? They've come with a small pot of oil - am I supposed to drizzle this over the blade (I'm guessing not) or is there a hole somewhere for oil to go into?

2. They came with 2 blades - what's the difference?

3. Stupidly I've just taken off the blade to clean underneath it. The instructions are next to useless and i've no idea how to put it back on! My plan is to take them into my nearest tackshop tomorrow and hope they have an idea.

4. What's all this about tension and having to adjust every so often?

Sorry these probably sound really dumb questions but the instructions tell me nothing and my only experience of clipping is using a set of Phillips clippers to shave my boyfriends head. They are a whole lot easier!

Thanks everyone.



Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Hi, it really depends on the type of clipper as to where you oil them and sorry but Ive no experience of the ones you have. My old Heiniger needed oil on the blades and in the small holes on the clipper head but my new Avalons need only the blades oiling. You need to check your blades are sharp before starting as they may not cut properly or drag on the coat which wont be a nice first experience for your horse. Can you ask the person who gave them you when they were last sharpenned, if not I'd have them sharpenned anyway before starting. Im presuming the 2 sets of blades look different, they may be course, fine, medium cut. The teeth of the blades will be very close together for a fine/close cut and wider for a less close cut. I'd try to google the make of your clipper as I bought my Heiniger 2nd hand and had no instructions re the tensioning. Im sure Clippersharp gave brilliant instructions on the correct tensioning on various makes, I may be wrong though. You will notice a different sound that sort of purrs when the tension is right. The blades clatter and are loud if its too loose, its a bit of trial and error.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
19 September 2005
Cheltenham, England
The Harmonys have self tensioning blades so you don't have to worry about that bit.

The blade is carried on a sprung carrier tab on a little lever IIRC and when you bend the blades down, they slide straight off.

If the carrier tab is up, then you will have to prise it down with a screwdriver to get the blades to go back on.

I guess that you have narrow and wide blades to play with ?

Oil the blades every 5 minutes you are clipping or they will seize up and use a small brush to clean them out before you put them away.

Keep an eye on the temperature of bottom clipping blade as well as they do heat up with prolonged use.

Brush your horses coat well before you start also and this will extend the blade life.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2005
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Thanks guys - they are brand new so no need to sharpen yet. I'll take them into a shop today i think to get the blade put back on.

Stencilbum: I think they are narrow and wide blades - at least 1 is wider than the other! They came with the smaller one attached. Which do you recommend I use? (I'm doing a full clip and don't mind how short).