Sorry - Another Yard Owner Question....


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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I fell off a youngster last week that I was riding in the field and broke my collarbone. My choice to ride the horse and my choice to ride in the field. However..we have a school that we pay to use as part of our livery fee. The school is unusable as it is deep in parts, very slippery and has big sharp stones coming up to the surface as they didn't put a membrane down. I have had several discussions with the YO about my concerns, I even put it in writing but have always offered to help them with the work. The other liveries have also complained and noone currently uses the school. I have been promised that work is going to start at 'the weekend' every week for about the 6 weeks but absolutely nothing has been done. Am I right to feel really peeved about this as I am now out of action for 6 weeks and had I have been able to use the school I am convinced the worst I would now be nursing is a bruise! What do you guys think?

Happy Bird

Well-Known Member
19 August 2003
London/Kent border
ooh you could be my double !!!

I disclocated my collar bone earlier in the year. It's flipping painful isn't it !!!

Our school is also unusuable. I tried having a lesson in there on Wednesday night but my mare's back leg gave way underneath in canter when we hit a deep part of the school ! My instructor said the school isn't suitable for cantering but then I feel that makes the lesson pretty expensive if you can only walk and trot.

YO said school would be extended/surface improved a year ago and we are still waiting. I am really upset by this and feel that I am paying the 'going rate' for livery but not receiving the 'going rate' for facilities.

I have made a decision to stay at my yard as I love everything else about it and wait patiently !!

Do you really love the yard apart from that ?? Can you hire a school locally ?? (That's what I have been doing for jumping lessons). I think you have every right to be peeved though and you have to decide whether to stay & nag or look for alternative yard.



Well-Known Member
21 August 2005
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Oh another familiar story about sand schools! After 17 years at the same yard without a school, I finally got one last Sept. Its great when its wet, but dangerous when its dry due to the membrane coming up.

I lunged Ralph last week and put him into canter (before I noticed the membrane) with side reins on, after a circle, he stacked it and landed in a heap on the floor, struggling to get up because of the side reins. It frightend both of us, luckily he was uninjured.

I left a note in the diary for the YO and when I got up the next day at 8am, she was checking and rolling the school. I'm not sure that we will get a new surface out of it, but at least she is aware of it. Its been bad for years apparently! But Ralph loves the place and It is querky


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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sorry - but your choice to have a youngster
youngster's are unpredictable
just because you fall off in a school doesn't mean to say you'd have been OK - it's the angle of impact, your bone density, etc that are also factors

if your livery contract states that you have the use of a school then a: that facility should be fit to use and safe and b: if it IS in your contract and it is unfit for use then you should get a rebate on your livery charges

However there is no liability on the part of the YO for your injury.