South Norfolk / North Suffolk tack shop


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I've started riding again (yay!) and it's time for a new hat - my old one has hit the deck a few times :)o) and the padding inside it has been squashed down so much that the last time I rode in it, galloping into a stiff wind, it blew off my head and was kept on only by the chin strap! So time for an upgrade, I don't have enough braincells to risk losing any :D Where does hat fitting please, within striking distance of Diss / Bury-st-Ed?

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
1 August 2010
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Hello Spudlet! hooray for riding again!

My sister lives in Stowmarket and I live in Norwich so we like to forage around for tack shops!

I got my last hat from King's Saddlery near Woodbridge (maybe a bit of a fiddly drive from you) but we usually do an expedition down to Ingatestone saddlery which is a bit far but has a massive shop floor and a tea room so is great for spending outrageous amounts of money on things you didnt know you needed.

Much nearer to you will be Long Melford Saddlery who are very helpful though they have SO much stock crammed in that I always get a bit exhausted looking through it - and having said that, the last hat I bought from there was too small. Probably my fault for not shrieking in pain when I tried it on!!

I have a feeling there is something called an Atlantic Country Superstore somewhere near Diss but have never been.

Hope you find what you are looking for. I thoroughly recommend the HS-1 which is a bit martian-looking but I find it SOOOO comfy.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I know - yay! My legs and bum really hurt though - need to stock up on Radox :D And next time, I am carrying a stick, god bless riding school ponies who can deduce in a flash that you have neither stick nor muscle tone, and that the aids for cantering on the right rein are therefore to be responded to thus: lololololllllNO *warp-speed trot to the back of the ride* :D

I actually know Long Melford quite well, had forgotten about the saddlery though! I shall go on an expedition when time permits, and be sure to shriek if they try to kill me with a teeny tiny hat ;) NO idea what the Atlantic Country Superstore is but I'm now intrigued so will go and look for that too :)


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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Hi, crossways near Bungay have a good selection. Broadland country sports near Great Yarmouth are also good but poss a bit far from you. X