Well-Known Member
Hoping I don't scare the sun away writing this....
A few of you will know I've held some meet ups with HHo'ers at my home last year & a couple in the winter..I've made some lovely friends on here and the difference it has made to my dog & building his confidence in new people has been trully amazing - I at least think we've had some really nice eves...its been a while so I thought I would give some notice & see who else might like to join in.
So far it has always been at my home and girls only, no guests dogs or kids or partners had come as the plan was to keep it small & simple & and set him up for success...(he's especially scared of men and terrified of people who are scared of him..yes he's a big bear but the knees still knock behind the bark!)
I wondered if we should risk an outdoorsey meet up maybe now it seems to be the warm end of winteryspring(I daren't say it!) I know a few lovely spots that would be easy to get to & involve a little walk ..but if numbers are small enough & the weather does go wrong are near enough to drive to my house.
I'd like to know who is interested? Same as before we've all chipped in with food, tho at home I've usually cooked curry & everyone else has brought sides, starters or puddings..but for a picnic we could do a mexicany tortilla wrapy kind of something that can be easily assembled...or brave a bbq(possibly easier at home for this!)
My dog will still be VERY barky with new people & scared at first plus its going to be "new people outdoors are nice too" training..if any of you have a trusty calm friendly stooge dog that might be suitable..we could possibly start adding some four leggeds in at some point. One of the spots I had in mind has a lovely little creek that we often stop & play swimming/fishing in the river which is a very nice walk...& very relaxing for 2 & 4 leggeds!
equally anyone who would like to start doing some organised dog walks please get in touch too...
We've had some great fun & he's made some lovely friends & now cries when he sees them & gets really sad when they go home & cries more!
All originals welcome of course!
Looking forward to hearing from you & meeting some new faces...
Hoping I don't scare the sun away writing this....
A few of you will know I've held some meet ups with HHo'ers at my home last year & a couple in the winter..I've made some lovely friends on here and the difference it has made to my dog & building his confidence in new people has been trully amazing - I at least think we've had some really nice eves...its been a while so I thought I would give some notice & see who else might like to join in.
So far it has always been at my home and girls only, no guests dogs or kids or partners had come as the plan was to keep it small & simple & and set him up for success...(he's especially scared of men and terrified of people who are scared of him..yes he's a big bear but the knees still knock behind the bark!)
I wondered if we should risk an outdoorsey meet up maybe now it seems to be the warm end of winteryspring(I daren't say it!) I know a few lovely spots that would be easy to get to & involve a little walk ..but if numbers are small enough & the weather does go wrong are near enough to drive to my house.
I'd like to know who is interested? Same as before we've all chipped in with food, tho at home I've usually cooked curry & everyone else has brought sides, starters or puddings..but for a picnic we could do a mexicany tortilla wrapy kind of something that can be easily assembled...or brave a bbq(possibly easier at home for this!)
My dog will still be VERY barky with new people & scared at first plus its going to be "new people outdoors are nice too" training..if any of you have a trusty calm friendly stooge dog that might be suitable..we could possibly start adding some four leggeds in at some point. One of the spots I had in mind has a lovely little creek that we often stop & play swimming/fishing in the river which is a very nice walk...& very relaxing for 2 & 4 leggeds!
equally anyone who would like to start doing some organised dog walks please get in touch too...
We've had some great fun & he's made some lovely friends & now cries when he sees them & gets really sad when they go home & cries more!
All originals welcome of course!
Looking forward to hearing from you & meeting some new faces...