

New User
15 November 2019
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Recently introduced soya oil into my ex racer’s feed to try and get his weight up. Noticed this morning his legs are swollen. Anybody has a similar experience? Does Alfafa oil also include soya? He seems to be abit more irritable too.
Any advice on a soya free diet or just feeding up ex racers in general?
Any advice appreciated!

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Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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Ours did really well on ad lib hay/ haylage, grassnuts, alfa a and micronised linseed, you may find he is sensitive to the soya or even the alfalfa, it takes time to build them up to what we think is the correct condition but if he is recently out of training he will have good muscle tone so try to take everything slowly and ensure he is getting enough exercise so the feed is not just making him feel fresh and grumpy because he is not getting the work he is used to, lack of movement may also cause the legs to fill, obviously it will be different work but some find the slower pace of life a bit boring to start with.