Don't stop. I had my sons first ridden pony stolen a few years ago and I never stopped I kept looking in H&H for adverts that may be her.
And 3 yrs later I found her on my doorstep. In fact she was at a stud where I had taken my riding pony. i couldn't believe they advertised her for sale on Horsequest and I immediatley contacted them. THEY of course bought her in good faith and were very sympathetic and let me buy her for WHAT i could afford. NOT what they were asking. Of course three years on my son was to big. but i enjoyed getting her back and letting other children ride her.
thank u very much - we wont give up, but its just starting to feel like it will never happen - the 2 years have flown by - it doesnt feel that long at all in time - but in your heart it does