Splint Problem...?


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7 January 2020
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Hi all,

My mare has recently got s splint on her front right leg- we had been having some problems with this leg and vet said that she was unsound on it in March and to come in for nerve blocking. Obviously it was at this point that cover suddenly progressed which meant that we couldn't go to the vet as it wasn't an emergency, however I gave her a few weeks off and she became sound (and it was pointed out to me that the nerve blocking was only suggested after the vets had asked about if I was insured, which I am). I brought her back into full work, minus the jumping, and she's been going better than ever up until last Monday where I noticed a splint. It was hard and had no heat and was told that it wasn't going to reabsorb at this point, and as she was still sound just to carry on as normal. I've ridden her twice since, only walk and trot for 15-20 minutes, however she didn't feel right the second time I rode her and she's now looking like she's coming up short in that front right leg. Still no heat in the leg, but I'm cold hosing it for 10-15 mins a day and applying ice gel to it. I'm going to have to call the vet, but am looking for some recommendations of what to do in the mean time? She will canter round the field with her field mate when let in to the field which I can't see it doing any good, but I'm very hesitant to put her on box rest unless necessary as it will make her miserable! Does anyone have suggestions? Obviously I won't be riding her but I've never dealt with splints before but the internet was not particularly helpful so am looking for advice, all is welcome!!

Thank you :)


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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One of mine got a huge one it was literally like an egg came up overnight, it was never soft or hot and I just took it easy for a while and kept an eye on it, it's almost gone now but has taken over a year to go down, I think I would get the vet out if one popped up and the horse was lame just to be on the safe side.


Slave to 2 cats and 2 ponies
2 November 2013
On the edge of the Cotswolds
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One of mine threw a splint on the outside of his front leg just before lockdown. He had two weeks off but as I thought he had trodden on a stone I treated him for a bruised sole and it wasn’t until the lump was fully formed that I realised what had happened so he had no icing, cold hosing or pressure bandages whatsoever. Completely sound and back in full work. I’m hoping over time the lump will reduce.


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27 July 2010
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A splint is a buttress, or healing callous to the bone, so probably its a reaction to what ever made her lame. I had a maxi cob than had two the size of small eggs both inside of each cannon bone just below the knee. He was never lame when they formed or the rest of his life. I put down to him being a poorly fed young horse who suddenly put a lot of weight and growth.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2019
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Mine popped a splint last September, literally overnight. No heat, lameness, and for the life of me I have no idea how he managed it. I just completely left it alone and it's half the size now. If he had been lame however I would have been onto the vet just to be sure