Springy Second Weekend of March Plans


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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Not sure if we have a thread yet?

The sun is having a lil break here today but I think tomorrow and Sunday in particular looking sunny. I hope this means we're all out and about with nice plans :)

Lesson for me today. Much more trotting done, yay! Maybe not looking all that pretty in transitions yet as I'm still struggling with making effective leg aids and not gripping with my seat at the same time. But once we're going we're mainly doing okay. Tried a bit of sitting trot which again not that stylish but at least we are back trotting. And I'm enjoying it :) Also our walk was much better - where did those hind legs come from?!

A little bit of nerves from me still which I think is just getting used to what it feels like when the horse is actually working and getting my brain to calm tf down about it.

Also had a conversation with my instructor about getting my own horse. I feel a bit silly about it because it's literally the childhood dream that's never died. The house is sold and I think I may finally (FINALLY!) be approaching a point in life where the balance of upfront cash, regular income, and time, are all coming together in the right way to make it happen. How exciting and equally terrifying 😂

Before that though... moving day is Friday and so this weekend we are packing mission!


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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We snuck a visit to the beach today. It's almost a 2 hour drive and I have hurt my back this week (picking up a shopping bag whilst show shopping!!!) so am incapacitated.

My wonderful boyfriend drove us. BH has been to the beach one weekend in 2022 (as on my avatar photo) but not since so my boyfriend took him in hand initially and then I gave him a little lunge before riding, as my back is not good at all!
BH was a gent! Just kind and obliging. I did enjoy riding him
...but the best part of the day was where BF got on and rode. He's maybe ridden 40 times in total and there he was, cantering down the beach!


We were back in time for the café, chips and cake, before he drove me home again.

The only sad part was that mine is only a 1 horse lorry or we'd have taken Rigsby too. I think Rigs would have loved it!


Well-Known Member
15 December 2019
In My Head
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We snuck a visit to the beach today. It's almost a 2 hour drive and I have hurt my back this week (picking up a shopping bag whilst show shopping!!!) so am incapacitated.

My wonderful boyfriend drove us. BH has been to the beach one weekend in 2022 (as on my avatar photo) but not since so my boyfriend took him in hand initially and then I gave him a little lunge before riding, as my back is not good at all!
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BH was a gent! Just kind and obliging. I did enjoy riding him
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...but the best part of the day was where BF got on and rode. He's maybe ridden 40 times in total and there he was, cantering down the beach!

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We were back in time for the café, chips and cake, before he drove me home again.

The only sad part was that mine is only a 1 horse lorry or we'd have taken Rigsby too. I think Rigs would have loved it!
Fabulous pictures!
I hope your back is feeling better soon.

Took my fixed pony out for a sunny hack today and we had our first canter in what feels like two years 🥰 £10k and two years and I think my pony is back to normal 😂
That's great news 😊


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5 February 2008
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Not sure if we have a thread yet?

The sun is having a lil break here today but I think tomorrow and Sunday in particular looking sunny. I hope this means we're all out and about with nice plans :)

Lesson for me today. Much more trotting done, yay! Maybe not looking all that pretty in transitions yet as I'm still struggling with making effective leg aids and not gripping with my seat at the same time. But once we're going we're mainly doing okay. Tried a bit of sitting trot which again not that stylish but at least we are back trotting. And I'm enjoying it :) Also our walk was much better - where did those hind legs come from?!

A little bit of nerves from me still which I think is just getting used to what it feels like when the horse is actually working and getting my brain to calm tf down about it.

Also had a conversation with my instructor about getting my own horse. I feel a bit silly about it because it's literally the childhood dream that's never died. The house is sold and I think I may finally (FINALLY!) be approaching a point in life where the balance of upfront cash, regular income, and time, are all coming together in the right way to make it happen. How exciting and equally terrifying 😂

Before that though... moving day is Friday and so this weekend we are packing mission!

How exciting


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19 October 2017
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Had a big group hack in the gorgeous spring weather Thursday and after some initial excitement of nearly getting mown down by three motor x type bikes, (she didn't even flinch 😇 they did skid to a stop and turn engines off but apparently didn't see us 🤷) and a car driving into a ditch to avoid a tractor and trailer she was super chill but forward and lovely she even left the big group to go home ☺️.
Had the saddle fitter out which fits great nothing needed 😱 apart from the fact it's black and my stirrups are brown 🫣
Another hack today and then a lesson Sunday planned then get the rugs back out as it's snowing Monday night apparently, fools spring indeed.


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22 September 2015
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Exciting for future pony plans SPD :)

Had my first lesson since last Autumn with my regular instructor yesterday. They were really pleased pony has come back so well from his illness over winter. Pony was bouncy, keen and jolly, what more could you ask for?

Did 18.5km of hacking this morning. One happy & keen pony with beautiful weather to boot.

Sunday I should probably practise some of our homework from yesterday's lesson & combine it with practising for arena Trec ... but honestly if the weather is as good as predicted, you'll find me out hacking in the hills again with zero regrets 🤣


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22 August 2016
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We ventured to the dark side of some BD today, first affiliated tests for both of us. Definitely felt we stood out in a jump saddle, stud girth and skullcap, but someone has to rep for eventers right?!

We haven’t done as much dressage as I’d have liked over the winter, what with a million storms, a flooded/boggy arena, and my instructor being away for 6wks. Had a small meltdown yesterday when I realised they were both long arena tests I hadn’t done before and was struggling to learn them. But we did it, didn’t forget anything, and Pepsi absolutely pulled it out of the bag for 2nd and 1st in our section and overall! Absolutely over the moon, especially with 71.9% in our second test (P5)!

We even had some comments about how he was really seeking the contact well, which was just icing on the cake after 3.5yrs of comments about him not working into the contact and hollowing

We will be celebrating tomorrow by returning to bombing around the moor and getting filthy 😂


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19 October 2017
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IMG-20250308-WA0009.jpgIMG-20250308-WA0004.jpgIMG-20250308-WA0013.jpgWell we accidentally went on a longer ride than usual 🫣 we planned on a new route but had to divert or be chased up the road by a herd of sheep. I felt a bit bad as it's rather warm for a fluffy black pony who is unfit so I hopped off for a bit and we had a lovely time exploring. She was a delight led the whole way ears pricked and a spring in her step. Bit like taking a giant dog for a walk though as she likes to investigate puddles and streams and sniff everything and I do like to encourage her natural curiosity 😂


Beware... My Plants...
19 October 2022
Dantooine, I'm on Dantooine
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Still technically on box rest with shoulder, so no live beastie riding. However, had a mechanical horse lesson on Thursday. It was great. Instructor picked up some issues very quickly. I'm wonky and my right leg is sitting too far forward, so throwing my balance off.

Have another few sessions booked. Will definitely add more sessions into my training!


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29 September 2013
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Bo has always struggled with balance in the school, but we've been working really hard on straightness and suppleness recently.

Saw the suggested exercise in this issue of the BRC magazine, using poles at 12, 3, 6 and 9 on a clock face and riding circles outside, inside, leg yielding back out etc.

What a fantastic exercise. Not only did Bo manage it in walk and trot, but also did one circle in canter before I hopped off and made a huge fuss of him.

Absolutely loving his saddle, he just moves with so much more freedom, and I can just sit there and let him do his thing.

Tomorrow I need to give the trailer a quick scrub (looking a decidedly green shade of white!), before heading over to the Trans Pennine Trail. Bo loves it when we ride down to the cafe and I share a Magnum with him!


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19 October 2017
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@Caol Ila I wouldn't say your ambitions were low, for me to do a pub ride it would take longer to tack up as the pub is opposite the field. Maybe I should I should aim for the next one in the next valley 😊
@southerncomfort what saddle do you have your fell in?


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29 September 2013
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@Caol Ila I wouldn't say your ambitions were low, for me to do a pub ride it would take longer to tack up as the pub is opposite the field. Maybe I should I should aim for the next one in the next valley 😊
@southerncomfort what saddle do you have your fell in?

Having tried every type of treed saddle there is, i gave up and bought a Ghost Torino after trialling one for a couple of weeks.

From day one, Bo has been like a different pony. Doesn't restrict his shoulders at all, so he moves with complete freedom.


This pic was taken during the trial.

His wonky shoulders and my wandering right leg have improved loads since then.


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19 October 2017
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@southerncomfort I do fancy trying a Ghost.

Thought she would be tired today but she came out with a spring in her step. She did some perfect turns on the forehand and walk piris then marched back to the field past a massive tractor and rattly trailer that wasn't for stopping 😇 quite horrified at the sudden emergence of lambs though especially when they come from both sides of the road at once 😂😂


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22 September 2015
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I'm so glad the Ghost worked for you SouthernComfort. They are beautiful saddles ❤️ I trialled one, found it fabulous and bought a Torino but haven't been able to get on with it for pony (it moves too much which the demo never did) which is frustrating and such a shame! It's collecting dust at the moment as it's a bit too nice to part with and it might really suit the next one I have ...

As predicted, the weather was far too nice to go in the school so another fabulously sunny 11km hack this morning. Gosh, I really don't love Spring hacking!


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31 August 2007
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A lovely weekend of hacking, soaking up the sun.
Trying to do a bit of solo hacking but starting with very short walks up and down the tracks around the yard, and walked him through the river that we currently have on site on Friday.
Saturday a lovely 1.5hr hack, mainly in walk, but got him going in front and taking the lead for lots of it.
Then today another lovely hack with friends. Made the most of the drier ground and had our first canter.
He really is turning into a good little hacking horse.
Then went and watched at Tweseldown for the afternoon. Wish all weekends were like this.


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27 January 2009
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We also loved the sun this weekend!

Sammy and I did the full hack around the village on Friday with two new friends. Only his third time hacking on the roads and he was perfect, a bit excited to be with two new friends to start with but settled and enjoyed looking at lots of new things without being spooky. It sounds odd to be talking about an 18yo who has been to numerous champs in those terms, but he really hasn't done a lot of hacking!

The hunt was nearby on Saturday so we just did pony pampering, then Sunday I hacked the awesome Pocholo up the hill. He was feeling very jolly, choosing to trot up the steep road and a couple of nice canters where the ground was good (it was surprisingly firm!). Then I took Sammy in the school and he felt amazing 🤩. It's lovely when the veterans feel so up for it!


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25 March 2003
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I had a fun hack on Saturday. Amber got a tad bouncy at one point but then regained her halo by behaving when the other horse decided that it was also a little fresh :D
Follow up with a really good lesson yesterday; somehow, despite having winter off, Amber is moving better than ever, so fingers crossed, we should have another fun-packed year ahead.


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25 February 2016
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What a lovely weekend!

I had a clinic on Saturday and thought I'd better ride the hooligan on Friday, but only time for a quick hack. Not sure choosing the bridlepath of doom was the best route - we spooked, jogged and bucked our way up there so I made him do 2 circuits of the field margin in the hope it would use up a bit of energy. He also got a tube of that NAF magnesium calmer before the clinic. Not entirely convinced that did anything..... but the lady running the clinic has met him before so when I suggested it might be useful for everyone if we went at the front riding over poles in a group she happily agreed and having to focus on where his feet were rather than thinking we were racing the horse in front made his brain engage. The indoor arena heating up in the sun probably helped too - it got a bit steamy. Cracking session with a lovely group of ladies and some tricky lines for us to negotiate. Made the humans and horses think without drilling anyone over the poles. I school a lot with poles at home so he creates a nice shape over them unlike some horses who hollow.

Sunday was a trip up to the Cholsey hills to test our fitness. His absolute favourite place and he came off the lorry with a big grin on his face. Amazing to have the sun out and see the red kites circling around. I've had a rough week at work and really, really needed the gallop.

Have a photo courtesy of the wonderful Equifocus of the little man flying - and proving right canter is no longer an issue! (& yes we do dress up when we know there is a photographer present).


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I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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What a lovely weekend!

I had a clinic on Saturday and thought I'd better ride the hooligan on Friday, but only time for a quick hack. Not sure choosing the bridlepath of doom was the best route - we spooked, jogged and bucked our way up there so I made him do 2 circuits of the field margin in the hope it would use up a bit of energy. He also got a tube of that NAF magnesium calmer before the clinic. Not entirely convinced that did anything..... but the lady running the clinic has met him before so when I suggested it might be useful for everyone if we went at the front riding over poles in a group she happily agreed and having to focus on where his feet were rather than thinking we were racing the horse in front made his brain engage. The indoor arena heating up in the sun probably helped too - it got a bit steamy. Cracking session with a lovely group of ladies and some tricky lines for us to negotiate. Made the humans and horses think without drilling anyone over the poles. I school a lot with poles at home so he creates a nice shape over them unlike some horses who hollow.

Sunday was a trip up to the Cholsey hills to test our fitness. His absolute favourite place and he came off the lorry with a big grin on his face. Amazing to have the sun out and see the red kites circling around. I've had a rough week at work and really, really needed the gallop.

Have a photo courtesy of the wonderful Equifocus of the little man flying - and proving right canter is no longer an issue! (& yes we do dress up when we know there is a photographer present).
I love flying feathers!


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25 February 2016
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I love flying feathers!
First time they've been clean in months!

He's gorgeous @SEL this weekend has been a great salve for work stress!😊
It's amazing how much better life felt with 48 hours of sun! I have having envy when I see your posts but at least Cholsey is a short drive and the ground was amazing.


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19 October 2017
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I do love my hacking but not many options for a good gallop too steep, rocky or boggy 😅 need to get up early enough to get to the beach this year!