Stable boots - infrared or magnetic


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5 February 2021
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Hope everyone is ok! I was just wanting peoples opinions on ice boots? One of my horses has fluid in their tendons and they are an eventer so was just wondering if ice boots will help? Also, I am wanting to buy some premier equine stable boots for my horses and was just wondering which inside wraps would be best - infrared or magnetic? They will only be used overnight. Thank you


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14 October 2009
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What do you mean by 'fluid in their tendons'?
Ice boots are a very useful way of cooling tendons after strenuous work or as part of treatment for tendon injury.
I personally wouldn’t waste my money on either magnets or infrared boots. If you want to prevent leg swelling from being stood in for too long then normal stable bandages will do that job

Sir barnaby

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13 June 2016
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I have the P.E stable boots and they are brilliant, keep my horses legs warm and prevents them filling when he has to be in for bad weather, otherwise he’s out all of the time which is better for hi legs anyway, they are easy to put on I have arthritis in. My hands so struggle with bandages and they then tend to fall down, they stay in place even when there’s shavings on them Velcro is robust.
ididget the magnetic liners but so far haven’t needed to use them, so just using the stable boots whenever he stands in.


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5 February 2021
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What do you mean by 'fluid in their tendons'?
Ice boots are a very useful way of cooling tendons after strenuous work or as part of treatment for tendon injury.
I personally wouldn’t waste my money on either magnets or infrared boots. If you want to prevent leg swelling from being stood in for too long then normal stable bandages will do that job
There is fluid in the tendons from standing still in the stable


Well-Known Member
14 October 2009
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There is fluid in the tendons from standing still in the stable

The fluid won’t be in the tendons, it will be lymph fluid from poor drainage as the legs aren’t being used as they should be. My problem with stable boots is it is hard to get the gentle even pressure that you need to effectively help that problem, proper bandaging does a better job


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5 February 2021
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The fluid won’t be in the tendons, it will be lymph fluid from poor drainage as the legs aren’t being used as they should be. My problem with stable boots is it is hard to get the gentle even pressure that you need to effectively help that problem, proper bandaging does a better job
I have spoken to the vet about this and I know quite a bit and the fluid is definitely in the tendons, and they are bandaged at the minute but bandaging can be very risky and can cause a lot of damage so I was just wondering on peoples opinions on magnetic vs infrared and also ice boots