stabled :(


2 December 2011
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i have 2 ponies ( a 4yr old that is in foal and a 2tr old) both r normally out in the day and in on a night. i have been havin problems with the mud in my field over the last month and the fact the girls keep gettin through the electric fencing into lush grass.

i have kept them in last nite and today and they will be in tonite. i was thinking of just letting them out from 9 - 3 on a weekends and keepin them stabled during the week? they do get exercised ( walk out in hand, lunge or long lined ) morning an eve. and they have 1/4 of a big american barn to walk around in so not confined to a 12x12 stable each.

just wondered what people think?

i just cant have them gettin to the lush grass gettin fat ( both were rescued aged 2 and have had to be closley monitered re feeding) plus the mud is a nightmare to get off when i have no running water ( only containers bought from home)

any suggestions please on alternitives or how to keep them ocupied would be a great help.

Thanx xx