Well-Known Member
Interestingly, the focus is less on turn out and more on manners. Thoughts?
Good turnout shows manners doesn't it?
I have been taught that to turn your horse out in a tidy manner (believe plaited for lawn meets definately) is a sign of respect to the land owners whose land you cross. To turn out in a slap dash manner, both horse and rider, is not good manners IMHO.
(I feel that a horse with a well pulled mane looks tidier than one with scruffy plaits, so don't object to unplaited manes as a horse can look just as smart. Just a personal opinion.)
Do agree that the "standards" are sliding, just wonder how much this has to do with making hunting more "acceptable"/ accessible and welcoming to the masses?
Mr.Woof, there you go- standards are slipping!!
Vindicated methinks - by none other than RKB Esq himself!