Having a spring clear out? Book a table at our Table Top Tack Sale for only £7 (or £10 on the night) Thursday 6th March at Stannington Village Hall. Email NECG@live.co.uk for further details
Alas, I've got whole day of exams the day before, so the only time I'll have the time to revise is after school. I don't think I can fit revision and tack sale all in one night. Come to think of it all the good stuff will have probably gone anyway by the time I could get to the sale even if I could go...
How does one come to hear of local tack sales etc.? Whenever some event like this comes up it's usually (okay, always!) over by the time I've heard word of it. Where do people advertise (I'm guessing not in tack shops seen as there seems to be all of one in existence now in my area)?