Started my BHS Stage 1


Well-Known Member
7 March 2006
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Well I had my first 2 hour BHS stage 1 session last night. It went well and the instructor told me to enter for the exam, I should get a date around March (big waiting list) by which time I will be more than ready as I just need to make sure I do everything the 'BHS way'. So I will he having a 2 hour session each week (hour practical/theory and an hour riding)

I rode 2 very different horses which made a change from riding my boy. Although what I did find a little strange is that about 8 out of 10 horses I saw all had dutch gags with the reins on the middle ring, the one I rode was completly over bent because of this. Do you think its so begginers have more control? Or its easy just to stick them all in gags regardless of their individual needs? I will ask when I have been there a bit longer, just didnt want to sound like I was critisizing on my first lesson.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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A lot of courses run for 2hrs a week - the stage 2 one at the yard starts next week (which I wanted to do but can't) and it's 4hrs in total a week (ridden for 2 and sm for 2) until week before Christmas

Best of luck, Stage 1 is more about common sense and safety


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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Did you know that if you take BRC Equitation 1, 2 & 3 + BRC Horse Welfare 1,2 & 3 you are excempt from BHS stages 1 & 2? The exam fees for all 6 BRC exams total £45.00........


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
Middle England
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How do I persaude my riding club to do the BRC exam?

Not to scare you but my stage one was horrendous. Everybody on my day apart from one failed the riding section. The range of horses was silly with one that kept bucking and a range of nags that had completely iron sides and mouths. My husband thinks that its just a money spinner because the cost of the BHS exams is frankly ridiculous.

To be able to do an exam on my own horse, who is not an angel by any means, would be literally a dream come true after my experiences.

Good luck, pm me if you want to know where I went so that you can avoid that centre.