Starting out with lessons

7 January 2015
Cardiff, Wales
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Hey there :) I'm new to this forum and new (ish) to riding.

Basically, I had lessons when I was very small, but stopped for many years, and now as an adult I'm returning to riding again. So I'm almost a complete beginner.

I had my first lesson at my riding school last week, in a group (though there were only 2 of us!).

What I'm wondering is what is the best formula of lessons to take? As in, a combination of group and private, or just private? Does semi-private work? Are there other types of lessons I should take? What about stable management etc?

Also, the place where I've decided to take riding lessons is far away, yet there is a place very near me. The lady at the closer place said that she will happily take me on once I'm confident at cantering, as she doesn't have a horse small enough for me to start out on. So how long would it take for me to get to that point? On my first lesson, I was just about getting the rising trot again (trying to blank out the instructor shouting 1,2,1,2 and relying on the feel of the horse!)

Many thanks for reading and your help - looking forward to getting to know you all better as time goes on!



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1 November 2014
In the land of no hills.....
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Good evening and welcome Dean :)....

I have always had private lessons as that's what the school I use offer on the days and times I can get there. Mind you I was starting as a total novice!

How long to get a good canter? Depends what level you got to previously I guess - mine has good days and iffy days after 18 months.

Have fun, keep us updated!
7 January 2015
Cardiff, Wales
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Thanks for the welcome outinthefens88! Yes, I'm thinking of going half group lessons, half private - or maybe half private and half semi private... as with everything, a lot depends on how much money I can pay!

I'm very keen to get going, but I know I must be patient. I like to think I'm a fast learner though... my instructor said I had some very good habits and posture... let's just hope my muscles learn quickly!


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26 June 2013
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I think you are going to learn a lot more with private lessons.
Often in group lessons the horses are following each other so you don't necessarily learn to keep them going on their own !
You could do maybe a private lesson (one hour) a week and some group lessons too.

I started 2 years ago (at 44 year old and never rode before that), I would not say I am a fast learner !
I was having one private lesson a year and started to canter after 3 months. I would say that after 6 months I felt more confident (to stay on the horse) at canter.
After 8 months or so I could canter without stirrups (on a none bouncing horse calm horse !). Once I could canter I did quite a lot of hacking rides which is completely different then riding in the school !

The lady seems to suggest that the horse would not be a "beginner"'s ride. The size of the horse doesn't matter, I had beginners lessons on big horses !
So it would suggest you will need to be pretty balanced and confident in canter to use her horses.

Regarding stable management, it depends if you think of eventually buying/lease a horse it would be essential (but not now unless you would like to do it for fun or out of interest !)
7 January 2015
Cardiff, Wales
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Thanks so much Joanne... did you mean 1 private lesson a week as opposed to one lesson a year?! :p

Either way, I'm committed to going every week... I'm hoping that I'll be able to canter relatively quickly... I was confident on the horse in my first lesson, in terms of, I didn't get nervous or have butterflies. And I think the horse also knew that I wasn't nervous either. I just need to get these leg muscles sorted!


Well-Known Member
26 June 2013
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Thanks so much Joanne... did you mean 1 private lesson a week as opposed to one lesson a year?! :p

Either way, I'm committed to going every week... I'm hoping that I'll be able to canter relatively quickly... I was confident on the horse in my first lesson, in terms of, I didn't get nervous or have butterflies. And I think the horse also knew that I wasn't nervous either. I just need to get these leg muscles sorted!

ahah yes once a week !!
I have never been nervous on the horses apart from when I started part loaning (private horses).
My legs have always been really weak so it took about 3 months to build the muscles to be able to post relatively good.
Even though I still need to work on my legs not being still enough, and my hands ..and transition trot to canter..its always work in progress (and sometimes it get worse before it gets better !)
It is completely different riding on my own horse than on riding school horses though !!

Have fun :) I am enjoying it very much !!

Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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I would try the mechanical horse lessons, but have 2 a week until you feel progress, then have a private lesson on a real horse.
Do 30 min running every day to strengthen legs.