Starting Out


New User
17 August 2014
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Right so i have been riding troubled,untrained and re-breaking/breaking horses in since i got my first rescue pony and wanted to help people with their horses. i did work on a showing yard with stallions and youngsters but wanted to help people with their own horses instead.Many people who i have helped always said i should charge people for my services. I have a few people who i am now helping and its going really well however i want your guys advice at how to get noticed even more ? i have a business card ive made but what else can i do to get noticed and start helping more people. I absolute love helping people with their horses/ponies , I just love to see the smiles on their faces when they can see the improvement in the horse.
Thank you guys


New User
14 August 2014
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Put up posters at local livery yards, tack and feed shops. Word of mouth from current clients, maybe set up a business Facebook page and get horsey friends to share and clients put reviews of your services on there. Also u could advertise on horsey Facebook pages and non facebook forums like this. Also do internet searches for similar services to yours, than add ur ad to the site ie google freelance riding instructors and u can add ur own services to them. Some of them are free to advertise. If ur not qualified just state ur experience and examples of what u have done and ur type of approach to working with horses.
Hope this helps and good luck xx