My boy has been on two danilon a day for pretty much a week now, initially I wasn't seeing any improvement but now he is really started to loosen up, he is turned out overnight from about 15.00 until 07.00 then has access to his stable and yard area to keep him moving, I have been walking him out in hand every day, he has been enjoying this, ears forward and seems happy.
The hacking around my area to go further than a 20-40 min hack is quite hilly and I'm not sure if I should be avoiding those from now On? I did lead him up and down a hill yesterday and he seemed OK, stopped once on way down but think this was to look at the cows as appose to an ouch moment.
Vet has told me to hop back on but want to be sure he is more comfortable first, he has lost a lot of muscle due to PPID so need to build this back up.
I'm not sure how much is too much when it comes to excercise? Should we avoid hills, pole Work? Trotting? Shpuld he be working everyday or can he have a few days off a Weekends? He had his shoes taken off a couple of weeks ago and is happy in hoof boots, would it be beneficial to keep shoes off to help him create his own balance Etc?
Sorry for all the questions, he is such a stoic little dude and I don't want to miss the signs of discomfort, thank you
The hacking around my area to go further than a 20-40 min hack is quite hilly and I'm not sure if I should be avoiding those from now On? I did lead him up and down a hill yesterday and he seemed OK, stopped once on way down but think this was to look at the cows as appose to an ouch moment.
Vet has told me to hop back on but want to be sure he is more comfortable first, he has lost a lot of muscle due to PPID so need to build this back up.
I'm not sure how much is too much when it comes to excercise? Should we avoid hills, pole Work? Trotting? Shpuld he be working everyday or can he have a few days off a Weekends? He had his shoes taken off a couple of weeks ago and is happy in hoof boots, would it be beneficial to keep shoes off to help him create his own balance Etc?
Sorry for all the questions, he is such a stoic little dude and I don't want to miss the signs of discomfort, thank you