Still feel Crappy


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
That would be telling!
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Hi did do post last night about feeling crappy and would like to kill...........still feel the same.....horses still out at night go to collect them at 7.30 this morning gate wide open my friend goes in blind panic what if their out.....Yeah me thinks we would have heard about it all ready had they been roaming about the road.........we keep horses in pairs in electric fencing and had problems with them getting into each others paddocks a few months ago (I got accused of turning it off -funnily not to my face and no before you ask had nothing to do with it!!!)......and guess her daughter was the last to turn out.......won't say anymore....where is my shaving fork...(PS I am a mild mannered person-


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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If your gate could be left open AND your horses could be let out onto the road (electric fence units get nicked round me) then you are liable to get caught up in the fallout from teh Mirvahedy (sp?) case and millions in damages if they get involved in a car accident (apart from death of the horses)

Horses shouldn't be out at night if there is ANY possibility of them getting out onto the road (correction - they shouldn't be out at ANY time if they can get out onto the road).

Sorry but this sounds a shambles - but then you may have other reasons for 'risking' it. Personally I wouldn't but then my horses are my only family.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2006
That would be telling!
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I know my friend has tired up gate with mass of rope-the gate if closed properly does not open it's down to carelessness on this persons part she spoke to them tonight, well, daughter who seemed abit put out that she should mention it!!!!! I am very concerned -we do have a second gate but thats not the point-they themselves have very expensive show animals and my boy is my baby -I think may take it up wth owner as this is the only way!!!


Well-Known Member
16 March 2006
South West
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Would a laminated sign saying "SHUT THE GATE" help?

We drop the pleases when it comes to hunter trials! Also if you really want to sort it out padlock it with a combination lock, most people will climb over rather than try to open

Last resort is a spring, but thats not great with horses.