still have a problem


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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still have a problem what am i going to do when i wean my foal any sugestions ? i have nothing to wean him with and cant afford to have another i will be weaning him in jan/feb time if he hasnt p****d mum off by then


Well-Known Member
25 April 2006
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My advice would be to see if you can find someone else who wishes to wean as well and try to combine them all together. Is there a stud that could help you. I had the experience several times of weaning a foal by just seperating it from mum for a few days (hell) then turning it out with another horse with mum on the property but seperated. I swore I would never do it again and I think the stress it puts on the foal is unacceptable and I can really see how neuroses are caused in the horse. Both foals were 'surprises' having bought Irish mares unaware they were in foal - this is over 20 years or so - so it wasn't something I planned and like you had no other option.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2006
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I only ever have one foal at a time, so I just move the foal into it's own stable at about 6/7 months, and still allow it to see and suckle it's dam. This goes on until the foal is more interested in the hard feed offered. It's then that they part company for good! They are more amenable and have much more confidence weaning gradually than all at once.
Hope this helps and good luck!


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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hi thanks for the advice, what do you put the foal with? are you in livery yard? my mare gets qiute cross with him at times i assume that this is very normal ? mine is 4mths and very interested in hard feed. sorry im a first timer to breeding i want to wean naturally not tear him away if mum doesnt get to p****d off with him.


Well-Known Member
4 September 2006
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Yes, the mare getting fed up with the foal is quite normal! That probably means it's time for him to go into his own box, and just be let in with mum for the occasional suckle. The mare will have a full udder, so will be pleased to see him. (Just keep an eye on her bag for any signs of mastitis) They soon get used to this, and seem to enjoy their own space and feed.
I always introduce both mare and foal to other horses (1 or 2) at first, so the mare is there to protect him if the others get arsy, or want to chase him. Then, once he's quite confident with the others, gradually start taking the mare away. It sounds like a lot more hard work this way, but it's really just doing things bit by bit, and you just do it at a pace that suits you and your foal.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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The foal on my yard was weaned at the weekend. He was simply put out with his granny and aunty (2 year old) who he's been with since he was born. Mum was put down the bottom of the farm with three other mares. Foaly did try and get some milk of Gran and Aunty - with no luck!! But has been fine, and not really bothered that ma is not there.

Poor mare has been distraught however - and it's not been helped by my absolute bitch of a mare running her ragged, and having a go at any given opportunity. I must admit to having been really suprised at my mare's reaction - as certainly the broodmare was absolutely top dog when they were together previously. Amy is obviously taking advantage of this mare's stressed state.

Presumably your mare and foal do have other company - and hopefully you will be able to wean the foal with another that he is friendly with. Likewise your mare.

Good luck - sometimes it goes well, sometimes very stressful - as we are finding at the moment.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2006
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this is the problem they have only been out together no other to go in with as they all have shoes on.......they have to stay together until at least jan as he is only 4mths seems to young to wean yet!!!! thanks for the advice