Well-Known Member
After a terrible accident with my horse where her saddle ended up underneath her and she trod on and got caught in the stirrup ripping her saddle to pieces I am looking for some stirrup leathers that will break in an emergency. I already ride with double bent irons so I am not so worried about getting my foot caught and I'm not looking for Barnes Buckles, open side stirrups etc, but I do want the leathers to break if they get caught. I have several pairs of good quality non-stretch leathers (Jaguar, Harry Dabbs) and although I love them they were part of the problem in my accident as the leathers wouldn't break. I abandoned standard non-reinforced leathers many years ago as it drives me mad when they get uneven, is there such a thing as leathers without a nylon core that will break eventually but not stretch in day-to-day use? Ideally I'd like some webber type leathers but I have never seen any that don't have some nylon part that wouldn't break. Can anyone suggest anything?