Stolen - all my tack!!!!


Well-Known Member
1 April 2010
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My truck was stolen yesterday afternoon and as I'd ridden first thing in the morning my tack was still inside:mad: So the rotten low-lifes have also got away with my Black Ideal VSD Event saddle, which is a 17.5 medium wide - for info the decorative green top on the Ideal stud on one side at the front of the saddle is missing so it just shows as a gold stud. It was complete with leathers, irons a 54" Thorowgood girth and a lilac Roma saddlecloth. My bridle was a black full size Ariona snaffle bridle, with no flash but it had a crank noseband and there with a black full size Stubben running martingale with a ring chest attachment rather than with the normal rubber stop. There were several other bits and pieces but they are insignificant against my saddle etc..... I'm just so gutted. I know it's a huge long shot but if anybody is offered these items, or spots them in a saddlery or on eBay, Preloved or other such places I'd be so so grateful if you could let me know. Police have been informed & I'm located in Essex but as the evidence suggests certain ethnic people who live in caravans & who keep ponies (usually coloured) themselves are responsible my tack could now be anywhere!!!!!