Well-Known Member
On the night of 13/14 August 2010, the stallion Speedy Gonzales was stolen from his stall at Ede (Netherlands)
Name: Speedy Gonzales
Breed: Danish Warmblood
Age: 10 years
Sex: Stallion
Height: 1.72-1.74 m
Color: dark brown
Chip Number: 958000000493783
Brand: Danish brand on left buttock
Kenmerken: Features:
On his right front leg, there are some white lines below the edge where the tendon guards touch.
On the inside of his left front hoof, just below the coronary band is a crack pinned with two staples
He has fairly narrow hind feet.
When other horses are in the neighborhood he behaves like a strong stallion with a lot of neighing and screaming.
If you have any information where this horse would be able to find it somewhere or seen as soon as possible please contact the police or
Edehorses BV 00-31-657933338 or 00-31-618964154
On the night of 13/14 August 2010, the stallion Speedy Gonzales was stolen from his stall at Ede (Netherlands)
Name: Speedy Gonzales
Breed: Danish Warmblood
Age: 10 years
Sex: Stallion
Height: 1.72-1.74 m
Color: dark brown
Chip Number: 958000000493783
Brand: Danish brand on left buttock
Kenmerken: Features:
On his right front leg, there are some white lines below the edge where the tendon guards touch.
On the inside of his left front hoof, just below the coronary band is a crack pinned with two staples
He has fairly narrow hind feet.
When other horses are in the neighborhood he behaves like a strong stallion with a lot of neighing and screaming.
If you have any information where this horse would be able to find it somewhere or seen as soon as possible please contact the police or
Edehorses BV 00-31-657933338 or 00-31-618964154
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