HHO admin
Dear forum users
Following the recent spate of text messages and web chat carrying inaccurate stories about horses being stolen, suspicious men being seen etc, PLEASE only posts details if you have personally seen individuals acting suspiciously or have a crime number regarding the theft of a horse. Please do not post just because you have received a text claiming that something has taken place. Obviously everyone is feeling very vulnerable to the current time and wants to share any suspicious sightings etc, but the high levels of inaccurate information currently doing the rounds is not helping anyone.
HHO Admin
Following the recent spate of text messages and web chat carrying inaccurate stories about horses being stolen, suspicious men being seen etc, PLEASE only posts details if you have personally seen individuals acting suspiciously or have a crime number regarding the theft of a horse. Please do not post just because you have received a text claiming that something has taken place. Obviously everyone is feeling very vulnerable to the current time and wants to share any suspicious sightings etc, but the high levels of inaccurate information currently doing the rounds is not helping anyone.
HHO Admin