Stolen - Miniature from Canterbury, Kent


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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Received this today in a BHS e-mail - will I be able to save a photograph of the stolen horse to Photobucket, from a PDF in an e-mail? Let me know how, please.

<font color="blue"> STOLEN!!!!!!

Reward for Safe Return.

My beautiful Anglo miniature horse was stolen last week from Near Canterbury in Kent, please spread the word in case she has left the county. She may be being advertised as a baby shetland. She is a yearling stands 31 inches will only grow about another inch. She has an international chip and is very distinctive as you'll see from the picture she's very well bred so I am offering a substantial reward for her safe return.

I would appreciate any help as we are devastated,

Lorna – </font>

(Contact phone number and e-mail removed for safety - please PM me and I'll pass them on to you - S


New User
12 September 2009
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Well I have had it confirmed by the lady on the poster and by a local Neighbourhood watch contact that the Minature has indeed been found safe and well near to a known traveller site in the area - she was tethered next to a bridlepath and spotted by a local vigilant equine owner who had seen the posters.

Well done to all and I'm glad that she is back safe and sound, when these things happen make them too hot to handle!!