If anybody is going to Barnet horse sale (Fri, Sat n Sun) this would be a good place to look out for this pony. I know of one that was stolen last year and went through this sale.
Please check out Stolen Horse International. We will be glad to waive our US fee and give you a free listing, alert and printable flyer on our website.
As a victim I know how you feel and that is why I and thousands of volunteers around the world are here to help.
Well I have had it confirmed by a equine contact and by a local Neighbourhood watch contact that the Minature has indeed been found safe and well near to a known traveller site in the area - she was tethered next to a bridlepath and spotted by a local vigilant equine owner who had seen the posters.
Well done to all and I'm glad that she is back safe and sound
, when these things happen make them too hot to handle!!