Stolen whilst on Loan (pony recovered, tack outstanding)


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
I have still been unable to recover the tack and passport for my pony that was loaned out to a family in Anstey (Cambridgeshire). Luckily (after a lot of hassle) we managed to recover the pony, minus her belongings.

I have attempted to get in touch on numerous occasions with the loanee, and am currently going through the police in order to get a crime number.

I am missing an almost brand new 17" wintec saddle (medium gullett) complete with stirrups and irons, a mauve waffle cooler rug, a pair of pony brushing boots, an English leather pony bridle and the pony's BHS passport.

This is more of a warning to those thinking of loaning their horse to the same person (can PM for details) - avoid at all costs!

Miss L Toe

Well-Known Member
6 July 2009
On the dark side, Scotland
Visit site
beware of peeps who want to take your pony on loan, do not allow them to have pony without signing the loan agreement, make this clear before you let them see your pony.
Make sure you visit them at their address. make it quite clear that your pony is chipped or freezemarked, and that you will not ever part with the passport.
Make sure that you put a little card on her stable to make it clear that she is on loan. If they do not have a stable, do not let them have your pony.