strained tendon... sound but vet reccomends more time off?? odd?


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
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My horse was off for a month with a strained tendon in his hock, trotted up sound, so back into light work (vet said walk trot canter was all aok on a good surface, but I took it very easy!!), 2 weeks later he went lame again.... so had three more weeks off and trotted up sound again today... just spoke to the vet and he said give him another 3 weeks off, restricted movement etc just to be sure?!!!

He is only 5 and is now really bored and being a pain in the bum (but handleable for now) and feeling well enough to buck and leap and spin around his tiny paddock at the slightest excuse, but the vet said it would be better to sedate him for the extra 3 weeks than start working him (even just in walk).... and risk another relapse...

Seems a bit odd to me... (fistrly that he said I could start fast work again straight away first time he came sound, and secondly that this time I cant do anything with him even though he is likely to do himself more damage being a moron in the field out of boredom?!!!)

Should I get a second opinion? The vet I used is well reputed etc

Or should I stick it out.... on the basis that its only 3 weeks.... and it gives me a chance to do some more ground work with him which will keep his mind occupied a bit....


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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IMO - i would give as much time off with tendon injury, your horse is young and the longer you give him at this age with managed and contolled exercise the longer you'll have your horse without breaking down again.

A being a bit blunt....... but what's the point of paying for a vets opinion and then NOT doing what they say, you state the vet is very good and has probably see hundreds of these types of injuries and WITH time, managed exercise honestly it is best for recovering from strained tendon - i hope it all goes well for you


Well-Known Member
24 January 2007
west mids
When my horse did a tendon he was turned out for 6 months even though he was sound within a week. Rest is the best cure.He was never lame again but never did any really fast work, turned to dressage instead and went up to p st. g without a problem. He was 5 when he did his


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
sheffield up t'road
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not odd at all.
in fact i would want to ultra sound if possible
tendons are very hard to guage from lameness.
most of the time 6-18months off with a good months box rest with cold hosing and walking in hand after 1 week box rest starting with 5mins and building up slowly to 30mins twice a day over a few months.
turnout in a small paddock sedated and gradual weaning off the sedation so he doesnt go mad.
horses wih huge holes in the tendon can be sound.those wih hardly any tearing can be lame.only way to see is to scan.(but not sure if ultra sound will be imagable i that area,would depends where and which tendon it was.
best to be safer and rest longer to be sure.
the more times they go mad and potentially make the tear/hole worse and so more scar tissue is made and the tendon is made less flexible and more ikely to be injured again in later life.


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
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Was just having doubts, and thinking about asking a second vet cos everyone at my yard seemed to think it was odd and trying to tell me I would be ok to hack out (including YO who has had horses forever!!)..... and I've not had much experience of tendon problems so wasnt sure what to make of it all!!

Thanks for responding, its reinforced my inital instinct - vet knows best!!!

Now I just have to keep explaining to Louie that he is meant to be RESTING!!!


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
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Spoke to vet about ultra sound, but they dont have a portable ultrasound machine and my horse is not good to load to box to the surgery, so agreed it could cause more problems than it was worth....

Re sedation... vet doesnt seem keen unless really nessicary (which does concern me, cos that might be too late!)... am doing my best to keep him distracted and entertained to minimise the sillys!!!


Well-Known Member
22 September 2007
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I know how your feeling the first vet out told me to walk him out after two weeks then my regular vet said even though he had a mild tear it was best to give him 8 weeks rest then one month walking one month trotting finally one month canter work .No jumping for at least 6 to 9 months.He is in restricted paddocks I have set up a link like a maze so he can graze on 5 paddocks but he cant do any damage because he cant get up any speed.It has helped with the boredom trying to work out how to get into the next paddock with fresh grass.My horse is 6 and a tb so is very silly bucking spinning etc.I have been doing a lot of parelli and it has helped keep him sane .Now on the 9th week .
Couldnt you try another surgery for the ultra sound its really neccessary to find out how much damage has occurred.Sounds like we have to be very patient.Good luck