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Hi, Has any body experienced finding strange plaits in their horses manes. I am at a small yard in a Leicestershire village, only 3 horses and a shetland. Two of the horses were found with strange plaits in their manes on Saturday morning (done overnight). One horse was in the field with 2 others, the 2nd one boxed alone on the yard next to owners house.
The police were no help at all, horsewatch (northants) are not sure if it is to do with witchcraft rituals and others tell me the plaits are a marker for horses to be stolen (gypsies)?
Has anyone else had a similar story, do you know anybody who consequently had there horse stolen.
Any inform would be great, we are very worried about what might <font color="red"> </font> <font color="black"> </font> happen next. Thankyou
The police were no help at all, horsewatch (northants) are not sure if it is to do with witchcraft rituals and others tell me the plaits are a marker for horses to be stolen (gypsies)?
Has anyone else had a similar story, do you know anybody who consequently had there horse stolen.
Any inform would be great, we are very worried about what might <font color="red"> </font> <font color="black"> </font> happen next. Thankyou