Well-Known Member
My 15 year old OTTB has always been colicky, but since I started him on supplement called gastri aid we no longer had to make the scary vet calls. But during the past few months, as I was watching him on surveillance camera, I saw him lying flat out, swishing tail, getting up and down. By the time we reached the barn he was back to his usual self, eating, drinking, pooping. It happened 3 times during the night (that I know of), and once when he was out grazing. He just stopped grazing, started to roll and breathe a bit faster, and within 15 minutes it was like nothing ever happened. I’m happy that he solves that on his own and that it is short lived, but it is still worrying me. He gets to graze daily, has ad lib hay, turned out every day, but stabled during the night as full time turn out is not an option. He is also a cribber. Had teeth done a month ago and gets them done regularly. Any ideas, suggestions, help?