Strangles Vaccine - Answers on a Postcard Please!


Well-Known Member
20 March 2008
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Having seen quite a few news/forum articles about strangles recently I'm a bit curious about the vaccine.

I know absolutely nothing about it (other than a believe it's a live attenuated version? and it's been reintroduced or something along those lines?), how long until it becomes effective, how long the 'cover' lasts, what kind of horse would benefit from it etc.

Does anybody have any personal experience with it - good or bad?

So, answers on a postcard please :)


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
Having seen quite a few news/forum articles about strangles recently I'm a bit curious about the vaccine.

I know absolutely nothing about it (other than a believe it's a live attenuated version? and it's been reintroduced or something along those lines?), how long until it becomes effective, how long the 'cover' lasts, what kind of horse would benefit from it etc.

Does anybody have any personal experience with it - good or bad?

So, answers on a postcard please :)
I believe it's ineffective. Used to be compulsory in Arg for competition horses to have it. PF reacted quite badly to it; got a large bump on the site of the injection which was, in this case, on her neck, but I think they do it in the upper lip in the UK.
I don't bother with it any more


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
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Well I dont have any answers, but wanted to comment on this so I can keep an eye on other responses. There are so many strains of strangles, as I found out a few months ago, Im struggling to see how they can make a vaccine. Or, more to the point, why a vaccine is needed? If managed properly yes it can be an inconvenience, but very very rarely life threatening. Think there are more serious issues out there which injections are needed for but there we go :p


Well-Known Member
20 March 2008
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Well I dont have any answers, but wanted to comment on this so I can keep an eye on other responses. There are so many strains of strangles, as I found out a few months ago, Im struggling to see how they can make a vaccine. Or, more to the point, why a vaccine is needed? If managed properly yes it can be an inconvenience, but very very rarely life threatening. Think there are more serious issues out there which injections are needed for but there we go :p

This is what I just discussed with my friend, is it really worth it when with careful management it's usually nothing more than a pain in the a*se?


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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When the strangles vaccine first came out that was some time ago. I had all of mine done of five horses one was fine three were off colour and one was sick enough to need veterinary intervention . The company making the vaccine at first tried to say he must have had strangles ( unlikely no one had been off the yard for three weeks ) at the time the vaccine was given. My vet pushed back at them and the next thing I knew they paid all the bill and then I heard the vaccine was withdrawn I had not been the only one.
Now they have relaunched it I am not sure what to do I have discussed it with the vet and think I will wait and sees what happens , my vet pointed out in event of a local outbreak I could vaccinate and as its a closed yard all our own horses no liverys coming and going I am going to wait a while and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I should have added that my pony got strangles when I was a child it was awful I have never forgotten it she was very very Ill and was off for nearly a year and I think she was never really the same again , it certainly can be a serious illness perhaps they are better at treating it now I don't know.


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
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To quote my Vet "The best vaccine for Strangles is Strangles itself"

This! When we thought mine had it I was just grateful he had it when with me and I was somewhere where he could be put in isolation but still be happy, and I knew that in a week tops he would be happy as larry. Nobody else cared particularly if theirs got it, as again meant they would be protected for the forseable future. Sort of like chicken pox I absolute pain but you would rather have it as a kid and get it over and done with!


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
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I should have added that my pony got strangles when I was a child it was awful I have never forgotten it she was very very Ill and was off for nearly a year and I think she was never really the same again , it certainly can be a serious illness perhaps they are better at treating it now I don't know.

We were told mine would have been back to normal in 7 days, and could be taken out of isolation after 4 weeks max, and he didnt change in the slightest, we wouldnt have known he had it without the abcess! Sounds like yours may have got ******* strangles, which definitely isnt nice.


Well-Known Member
20 March 2008
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I should have added that my pony got strangles when I was a child it was awful I have never forgotten it she was very very Ill and was off for nearly a year and I think she was never really the same again , it certainly can be a serious illness perhaps they are better at treating it now I don't know.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I think that sounds like the basta*rd strain of strangles maybe?

[Sorry just noticed I crossposted with cc14!]