I currently have the Siegfried CS which I bought off the lad whom I got my mare from. The saddle is great for jumping in, however I am struggling to do flatwork in it as there is not alot of knee roll to assist me when riding longer.
Sorry, not a stubben fan as find them hard and just heavy and just dislkie them!! MAy have been old ones I have come across though... do fit TB's well though....
We just bought one of ebay and it's great.
I agree that Stubbens have a reputation as being hard and uncomfortable but as this one is secondhand someone else's bum has done all the hard work.
This one is comfortable and my sister who is really long from hip to knee finds it secure and is happy to jump in it.
We only use it to jump in and do fast work though. Not sure how good it would be as a GP type saddle.