Subscriptions - what do you pay?

Christmas Crumpet

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30 August 2007
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We've got our AGM on Monday night and I am going to bring up the subject of our subs. Some of us (me included) pay a full sub which, for the hunting we get, is way over the top and far too expensive. Our neighbouring hunts (BV, Portman & Cattistock) have far better hunting with better days and better country yet we pay nearly the same as them.

Reading through the list of subscribers it seems that there is a huge variety in the amounts that people pay and people who hunt as much, if not more, as me pay far less.

Am interested to know which hunt you hunt with and what you pay for what days so I have something to compare to.

I don't understand why we don't have a Saturday sub and you only hunt on Sat's (for those that work full time) or a weekday sub and only hunt during the week. A full sub for those that hunt twice a week.

I know its down to the secretaries discretion who pays what but it does seem unfair that some pay more than others. I am going to propose that they have more types of sub but that everyone pays a proper sub and hunts the days they've paid for so everyone is equal.

Am I going to be stirring up a hornets nest?!! :crazy: :crazy:


Well-Known Member
25 May 2008
Yorks/Notts/Lincs borders
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Our hunt has a full sub, that entitles you to 2 days a week and £20 cap on day. A Saturday only plus £20 cap on day. A Tuesday only plus £20 cap on day. A 5 or 10 day ticket, that includes the £20 cap. Or you can pay compound cap which is the full 2 day a week sub plus an extra £250 (I think) and you gat all your Autum hunting free.
I wish they posted a list of who pays what in our hunt, there would be some red faces.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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£50 sub and £25 cap per day you go out.

Cheshire Farmers Drag.

Everyone pays the same I think (though obviously the master can let people off if he wants, its his hunt after all and he pays out enough to run it !! :)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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we have a full sub at £350, a family sub (for 2 adults & their kids) at £550, a pointers qual sub (don't know what that is tho). There's a farmers sub (only available to those who's land we hunt over) which is £250, and then a foot followers sub at £25.

anyone paying a sub is able to vote at the AGM.

we also do a 3 day (£120) and a 10 day ticket, so if you know you'll only get 10 days there's no point paying a sub, but £300 is still cheaper than 10 days on visitors cap which is £50.

ETA - except visitor cap, we all pay £5 on the day. and there is an option of compound cap at £80


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Hunt with the Quorn,
I did the young persons golden ticket (under 25) which was just over £1000 to hunt any day day. Over 25 golden ticket is about £2.500.Cant remember the Monday / friday or Tues / Sat subs but they seamed fair in comparison. Mon / Fri is the better country and you pay more for those days than you do to hunt Sat / Tue. Also do a 10 day ticket. I will see if I can find the hunt card thing with all the prices on as my memory is not good!!

rosie fronfelen

Well-Known Member
5 February 2009
welsh hills!
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SL, which is your hunt? we dont have subs either, whatever folk are prepared to put in the cap and they are usually very generous. at least we dont have wages to pay out, so it all goes to the hounds welfare.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2006
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Interesting! I was chatting about this to my farrier yesterday.

He hunts with another local hunt. all the hunts round here are pretty pricey (£100+ a day) but then, our country is fabulous and you can see why they charge that.

However my farrier made the point that he has been trying to persuade his hunt to drop their caps - simply because, at £100, he believes they are putting people off. It's a lot of money.

I did agree with him, as I have just started hunting. Luckily it has not been expensive for me as the secretary has been great, and to get me going she has let me go out at a hugely reduced rate - as she knows that my horse and I will simply not be fit enough to go out for more than a few hours max, and to encourage new members.

Another hunt I enquired with would charge me full price, but if I chose to then subscribe, that day's hunting would come off my subscription.

I do think the hunts try and "make allowances" - but I think my farrier had a point. For us hobbyists who have horses for fun, can we realistically get our horses fit enough for a full day? Or are we expected to pay a ton for a few hours in the saddle? Food for thought I think.