

New User
3 August 2019
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Hi - our pony is a grey and she has a very sensitive nose in the sun. She was at another livery yard until 2 weeks ago and when I collected her to move her they had let her face really burn (half way up her head!!). To say I am livid is an understatement!!

I am trying to heal it and it's slowly getting there. She is in in the day, out at night and has a UV fly mask that extends down her face. Human suncream seemed to make it sore so I have been treating with udder cream and now Aloe gel and an emollient as the skin is very dehydrated. I have ordered a new equine sunblock that also soothe and heals to try (arrives tomorrow!).

Any tips on curing this? It should have been prevented in the first place but it wasn't and now I need to so all I can to heal her skin.


Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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It sounds like you are doing the right things and that it is healing. I hope that she's fully recovered soon.

The only other thing that is worth considering is her diet (both hard feed and the plants in the previous field) because the liver being stressed can cause photosensitivity. So -for example- lots of buttercups in the grazing could be a contributing factor.

Plants known to cause this kind of photosensitisation include Perennial Rye Grass (you might have guessed!) Clovers (especially White Clover), Alfalfa (Lucerne), St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Buttercup.


New User
3 August 2019
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thanks everyone - we have left her flymask off (it was rubbing and aggravating I think!), not used any sunscreen (again, aggravating!) and just the udder cream. Whilst she is in in the day her top stable door has been secured in such a way that she is totally in the shade and we have seen a massive improvement! I really appreciate all the advice - thank you.